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  1. Heisenberg

    Critical #47 600 Watt Grow From Seed

    I have been smoking this strain for a couple months now and notice almost no strain tolerance. My only complaint with this strain is that it's too strong to smoke in the morning unless you want to feel like a zombie by afternoon.
  2. Heisenberg


    Butterfly in the sky..I can go twice as high... eBRYsAfchkY
  3. Heisenberg


  4. Heisenberg

    Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

    And this time traveling teacher went back to the 1950's and predicted the outcome of a game from 2010!! Absolute proofs! r5L0JtCSZ-o And this time traveler forgot to leave his laptop behind!! Q_GblQWw1gc Do your research sheeple!!
  5. Heisenberg

    Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

    If time travel isn't possible, then how did this woman have a cell phone in 1928????!!!!111oneoneone Gj3qesTjOE8
  6. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.

    It's a mock religion like Pastafarianism.
  7. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.

    My other efforts were comedic and stimulating. This was the only one meant to be disturbing, hence the name negative experience. Since this was also made years after I stopped tripping with friends, none of them ever heard it. It's really just a result of someone being very interested in...
  8. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.

    I arranged and mixed it from generic sound effects and movie samples and other stuff I pulled from various sources. The most prominent is Timothy Leary from 'How to operate your brain'. I used to make mixes like this to freak out my friends while tripping, and I wanted this one to sound...
  9. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G. 72bleCGz9zI I have not deleted any of your threads recently. I do however have a message for you. KK84PjiFxl8
  10. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.

    I am not German nor Christian, I am an American and atheist. I do not know you, I am responding to your words and conduct. When you speak of energy, you are speaking of thermodynamics. When you cite laws of thermodynamics to back up your claims, you are attempting to speak with some...
  11. Heisenberg

  12. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.

    At what point did I claim to be God? You seem to be using hyperbole and indignation to avoid the core of my message. I am sorry you find me arrogant, but you have misused numerous basic science terms while professing to know that science backs up your statements. You apparently feel entitled...
  13. Heisenberg


    Two celestial bodies of equal mass sharing a single gravitational field will exhibit identical rotational properties for as long as their inertial integrity is maintained. Xh84bPPNe8s
  14. Heisenberg

    What would make THE FUTURE Christ cool with you? O.M.G.

    That sort of attitude will prevent you from growing. If you never accept correction and avoid rudimentary scrutiny then you are really just rambling. You are being asked questions any candid mind should consider, don't avoid them with the "I don't expect to convince anyone" gambit...
  15. Heisenberg


  16. Heisenberg

    Deleted Vs. Closed Threads

    I do normally try to preserve the posts of people who actually try. You guys can help us out by not quoting posts that will obviously be deleted. If a post is nothing but name calling and vitriol then just report it and ignore it or send me a private msg. (I personally do not receive the...
  17. Heisenberg

    Deleted Vs. Closed Threads

    I have been convinced by your arguments and reinstated the (homosexuality) thread.
  18. Heisenberg

    If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...

    Many homosexuals have both the desire and ability to not only procreate, but to produce healthy viable offspring. The only difference, the one defining variable, is in the enjoyment. We know this because homosexuals report it as so and we can see the numbers that seek to be parents. Unless...