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  1. Angus Hung

    Let's talk heavy metals

    god dam rock dust..
  2. Angus Hung

    Roc Bud Inc - Passion Punch Auto

    looks great nice work
  3. Angus Hung

    JBC Seeds

    oh snap. day late and a buck short,
  4. Angus Hung

    JBC Seeds

    oh i get it now thnx for the help
  5. Angus Hung

    JBC Seeds

    is useful the breeder I cant find what your finding?
  6. Angus Hung

    JBC Seeds

    where did you see the goji og F2?
  7. Angus Hung

    Starting a shed grow

    looks good man keep it up
  8. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    Ive got a couple of packs of tiki seeds coming in the mail but wont be able to get them going for a month or two.
  9. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    Ya I guess your right might be smarter to wait till spring . Its always a prick job trying to find quality genetics where I live.
  10. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    has any one seen any breeder cuts for sale in Canada? id love to get a hold of a few
  11. Angus Hung

    Jordan of the islands

    cool nice work on the find. keep us posted on your progress
  12. Angus Hung

    Jordan of the islands

    what exactly is a triploid? ive heard of it but am not sure why a extra chromosome would be a benefit to a pot plant? arnt they extra hard to breed with because of the extra chromosome? i look forward to seeing how she goes for ya.
  13. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    Looks good man, what do you think so far
  14. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    I noticed Neptune has restocked a bunch of tiki stuff. I wish i had more money theres a few id love to pick up.
  15. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    Keep me posted if he is running it again if you dont mind. Id love some testers.
  16. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    snap i dont use IG. im missing out. I look forward to seeing them grown out.
  17. Angus Hung

    I’m amazed

    who was blowing Bubbles?
  18. Angus Hung

    Tiki Madman

    how did you get set up with the tiki testers?
  19. Angus Hung

    Your latest seed purchase?

    nice work on the copa goji og F2. post some pics when you get those going. every thing else looks good too, but iv been looking for some goji og after growing a pack out from bohdi. very nice stuff
  20. Angus Hung

    Cannabis stocks

    that truelive is on fire too.