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  1. cassinfo

    The dreaded apartment inspection

    Throw some clothing and towel all over the tent. Pile everything that is light around or on top of it. Go ahead and tape gay porn pictures on you wall. Divert the attention to something else. I would just turn the fan off when they arrive. Turn up volume on the video game in that room. Make it...
  2. cassinfo

    Difference between 2 of my plants?

    U and your brother have the same mother but don't look alike right? The same with plants, all will not be identical bud.
  3. cassinfo

    Help! 4 weeks into flowering

    Somebody please call the cannabis police!! Them gals got abused!! There's no coming back from that much abuse. Sorry bro. Garden7 is right. Start over.
  4. cassinfo

    need help

    Hahahaaa!!! Not laught at u, but how funny that plant looks. She look so sad and lonely. A pounder. Just kidding. U did the right thing by repotting.
  5. cassinfo

    HELP!!! Greenhouse grow mites are back!!! flower week 4

    Very nice job on your grow. I like it a lot!!
  6. cassinfo

    HELP!!! Greenhouse grow mites are back!!! flower week 4

    You got lucky. Well, keep up the good work.
  7. cassinfo

    HELP!!! Greenhouse grow mites are back!!! flower week 4

    Every grower needs to experience mites at least once to appreciate the importance of cleanliness. :hump:
  8. cassinfo

    HELP!!! Greenhouse grow mites are back!!! flower week 4

    I see...hmmmm..I read somewhere that if you can add CO2 and boost it up. That will kill the mites and will not effect your gals since you are already 4 weeks in. I'm not a CO2 user so hopefully someone with experience can chime in and lay some facts down. Sorry I couldn't help, but good luck to you.
  9. cassinfo

    Somewhat newbie

    Pop us some pic's of the gals. Let see if we can spot some nut sacks or some Harry pussy....I meant harry pistils.
  10. cassinfo

    What is this?

    Smoke it.
  11. cassinfo

    911please help 7wk flowering leaves browning

    Your gal got rape with bugs. Salvage what you can and smoke it. You tried and failed, but its not over. Try again. Read up and gain some more knowledge. Good luck bro.
  12. cassinfo

    HELP!!! Greenhouse grow mites are back!!! flower week 4

    Wow..I'm sorry you are going through this. I've been there myself at 4 weeks into flower. Whatever u spray them with, you will be tasting when you smoke it. Mines where in 5 gallon pots. This is what I did. I took them outside one sunny day and pull out my big spray pump and water hose. I...
  13. cassinfo

    911!!please help.wk 7 flowering leaves wilted

    It all depends on your strain. If it's a 9 week strain, start flushing. She looks to be almost done anyway so don't stress yourself. She will make it.
  14. cassinfo

    Nutrient lockout? Low PH/Soil growgrow

    Undercovergrow just told you your issue. I use to check my soil PH but it was pointless. More is not always better. I usually half dose my gals. Better safe than sorry let. Good luck and remember, growing is suppose to be therapeutic.
  15. cassinfo

    withered up blue dream

    I'm not sure about your environmental situation or if u enough drain holes in your pot. Your gal look like she drown would be my guess or feeding with too much N. A little more background info might help.
  16. cassinfo

    Week 10 no preflowers

    I agree with Nizmo. Please transplant her asap. Check for balls and if none, give her a couple for weeks. Depending on region, say should start flowering already.
  17. cassinfo

    How many plants should I grow?

    Truthfully, it ain't gonna happen. The smell will be an issue. Even with a big ass carbon filter... The fan noise will give it away. Check out the strain from Dr.Greenthum called incognito. Some people say you can't smell it unless you stick your big ass nostrol and start sniffing it like its...
  18. cassinfo

    After Taste on my Homegrown

    I've never done it, but look up adding certain fruit peel to your curing process. Say for instance an orange peel or even skittles. Good luck Chuck and congrats on your harvest.
  19. cassinfo

    Advice/help on my first time grow

    Some people are just silly.
  20. cassinfo

    Is this a cannabis sprout

    This long would be good.