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  1. hockeybry2

    Oregon Elite Seeds

  2. hockeybry2

    Green line organics seed bank

    Def some sketchy stuff going on with the bean release...people who ordered on ig asking about it and gline said to dm them. Just weird their famed cut just more pics or mention.
  3. hockeybry2

    A grow has no name.

    If I could just get the yield up on her....the clone is much bigger so we'll see
  4. hockeybry2

    A grow has no name.

    I believe its back a few generations in both the sunset sherbet and the dosido
  5. hockeybry2


    That's a bummer if it's for good. Always used to hit the. Up once in awhile for beans I couldn't get at us based banks
  6. hockeybry2

    A grow has no name.

    Purple sherb x dosido looking nice. Wish she was a little more Terpy tho
  7. hockeybry2

    RIU Veterans

    Brutal week for me bye weeks and the aj green injury. Ughhh
  8. hockeybry2

    RIU Veterans

    Yay really excited about aj green potentially being out the rest of the year.
  9. hockeybry2

    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    Man I slept on those mothers milk ronnie Barrett beans. Hopefully they get dropped again
  10. hockeybry2

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Shoulda copped a pack during Halloween dang. Black Friday it is haha
  11. hockeybry2

    Green line organics seed bank

    Also he required like a 5 pack min for pre order so each of them orders were like 500$. Shit gonna hit the fan eventually when people out that kind of cash
  12. hockeybry2

    Green line organics seed bank

    Man it's gonna be interesting to see how this all pans out... Def think dudes gonna bounce with the $ and make more enemies than he already has
  13. hockeybry2

    Green line organics seed bank

    Oh dang. His famed dippin dots
  14. hockeybry2

    A grow has no name.

    Coming down in a week or so
  15. hockeybry2

    A grow has no name.

    Doesn't get much more ogkb. Doesn't get much slower in growth either lol Happy girls :) keeper clone run spirit animal, purp dosido, Eagle scout
  16. hockeybry2

    Green line organics seed bank

    It would be easy to find dude at the cups of he tried to skip with the cash
  17. hockeybry2

    In House Genetics Thread

    Some nice sugar leaf off the Eagle scout
  18. hockeybry2

    RIU Veterans

    Yeah didn't see that trade. Understandable
  19. hockeybry2

    In House Genetics Thread

    Looks like a nice one :) I tend to stay away from ogkb leaders due to how disgustingly slow they grow. But that male looks like a winner
  20. hockeybry2

    In House Genetics Thread

    They were some of my first bean buys. Been downhill from there lol Loved when their 10 packs of fems were 65or 75 bucks