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  1. D

    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    99% Sure its PM.. but not sure if its an issue with two weeks left.. temps here are going to be 65 degrees during day low 40s at night. Mostly dry. if i do decide to treat before harvest, anyone recommend something for PM that doesnt affect buds? Again, it will be impossible to apply spray...
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    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Its not on the tops. Its mainly on the inside mid/lower fan leaves. Mostly old growth
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    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Being so close to harvest (two weeks out), am i better off riding it out and washing buds in hydrogen peroxide before drying, or using something to try to stop the PM? It would be impossible to spray the plant without getting on buds.
  4. D

    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Exactly what i was thinking and also the answer i wanted! Its happening mainly on fan leafs that dont get a lot of sun.. but i guess the spot for PM as well
  5. D

    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    damn i looked but my scope doesnt get nearly that close. its too hard to tell
  6. D

    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    I do. what do i look for? Thing is, Im about 2 weeks from harvest, and its looked the same since july.
  7. D

    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Title says it all. Thanks in advance
  8. D

    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Outdoor grow. Title says it all. Thanks in advance
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    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Should mention outdoor grow
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    WPM, spider mites, residue from neem oil or something else?

    Title says is all. Please give your opinion.
  11. D

    Help! Flower issue

    no kidding.. can they cause the brown curling of the leaves as well??
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    Help! Flower issue

    agreed, but any idea what it is? a deficiency? some other type of stress?
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    Help! Flower issue

    Im following the fox farm feeding schedule. i think its pretty basic and it's worked for me in the past.
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    help identifying issue during flower

    i make sure all trimmings or dead foliage is shipped off immediately. i think if i trim the dead/discolored off the plant i may be left with only the stems.
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    Neem Oil spots?

    i have something similar going on and i do believe neem is the culprit. neem oil promises to do a lot but should be used with caution. oil does not mix with water. so when applying in a mister or spray bottle, you need to make sure to continuously be mixing the oil/water/soap solution while...
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    help identifying issue during flower

    Never using that crap again. I only used it at dusk. The plant salvageable?
  17. D

    Help! Flower issue

    After a very impressive outdoor veg, I am having a not so impressive flower so far.. mostly only small buds. most smaller/lower growth is having some serious discoloration (see pictures). been battling spider mites, grasshoppers and powdery mildew all year.. been using neem oil and growsafe...