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  1. rustyshaclkferd

    Spider mites. Where do they come from??

    Bio best Urban grow Arbico Bio line(who i use currently) Evergreen
  2. rustyshaclkferd

    Spider mites. Where do they come from??

    Not necessarily true, as long they have food and the correct temperate environment they will breed. You can buy food for your predetory mites to keep up latent populations but why... Once their food source is gone the problem is gone and you can focus on more preventative then controls...
  3. rustyshaclkferd

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    Soil is a whole other bag some macro, micro nutrients will by design bond with your soil enzymes_particls and will never show up on TDS, or EC measurement, hell i think potassium is one...really i forget and id have to reread my notes from my nutient managment class Best clear picture of...
  4. rustyshaclkferd


    No you're fine...should be fine
  5. rustyshaclkferd


    Malathion is a cholinesterase inhibitor, it will decimate your aphids. It also requires applicators to get blood tested every 8 hours of use. You get your blood drawn to set a base line to test agianst at big farms. Id go with beneficial insects, after to control any survivors.... parasitic...
  6. rustyshaclkferd

    The secret knowledge that no-one tells newbies.

    Socrates would luagh hard at this Their is no critical thinking being done, their is no questions and answers only Dunning kroger. I would say this thread is the least informed about growing facts but ive read the works of shaggy fin
  7. rustyshaclkferd


    Dog saliva is toxic at very infinitesimal doses... better burn it
  8. rustyshaclkferd

    Spider mites. Where do they come from??

    Id reccomend slow release sachets they will breed and last 4 weeks in optimal conditions... Mites travel with the wind, on your body... so if your room has open doors or intakes that are not filtered(broad and russets will get through these) or if you dont use clean room protocals with floor...
  9. rustyshaclkferd

    Spider mites. Where do they come from??

    Never lady bugs, they wont arrive healthy breeding indoors is very hard. They dont eat much as beetles, thats the breeding part of their life. Their larvea will indescrimenently kill, but dont naturally predate mites, mites are to snall. They like aphids. Predetory mites, cucumeris...
  10. rustyshaclkferd

    Powdery Mildew What To Do?!

    Ya but it will kill any PM spores... and aid in plant health. Harder to do in apartments/condos...aka places where other people can call police on an odor associated with gas line leaks
  11. rustyshaclkferd

    What is YOUR "Golden" rule for a heavy healthy yield?

    Also tolerance is a thing, weed has gotten better over time, at one point somply decent weed today would have blown the socks of a younger you, with less tolerance... I have always noticed quality goes with quality...numbers are nothing but a plant thats is good smoke should look healthy
  12. rustyshaclkferd

    Spider mites. Where do they come from??

    Prevent transmission into your enviroment by cleaning, changing clothes , do not enter other grows without tycec suit that is thrown away Start with preventative methods of control use biologicals aka predetory mites use bio-insecticides that are safe, harvest day safe (not that you will...
  13. rustyshaclkferd

    Do terpene enhancers work?

    Your plants do all the work, at my job we use a product. at home i do not. 1 i cant get affodable testing in my state. 2 good terps are basically a outcome of plant health and if you opened all the right doors when needed so that the finished product has highest concentration of...
  14. rustyshaclkferd

    Powdery Mildew What To Do?!

    Eagle nasty stuff.... ya it is, i thought itnwas fungal because of its interations with the plant. Lol totally wrong. But good info if i ever go full organic... I have also read that farmers can boost plant immunity through calcium uptake and certian aminos...what green house growers in...
  15. rustyshaclkferd

    Powdery Mildew What To Do?!

    Regalia every 2 to 3 days. Its an immumo resposne booster, creates resistance. Is harvest ready safe and isnt a typical chemical as its a specilized fungus that forms a symbiotic relationship. Its a translocator so you can apply anywhere. Although direct application will have best effects...
  16. rustyshaclkferd

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    No, i got confused definitely talking to myself
  17. rustyshaclkferd

    Spider mites. Where do they come from??

    IPM is my profession, i laugh at spider mites, root aphids, green house aphids, thrips, scale, PM.... pest are not problems they are the start of solutions
  18. rustyshaclkferd

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    Fe is often high becasue of its limited absorption range with mn.... This is where understanding the socio economic factors and not simply the raw data will create a more complex picture. FE and MN are often absorded togethe, Fe fall out of solution very easily, which is fine plants need...
  19. rustyshaclkferd

    Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

    Ppm and ec are 2 different measurements...neither showing elements present or their volumes. Wanting them to say more then they do is like expecting height to also tell you the inseam Nitrogen limits THC productions and promotes leaf growth...i see you have all nitrate in one...
  20. rustyshaclkferd

    The secret knowledge that no-one tells newbies.

    You have the appeal of a box of carpet samples... lets just not