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  1. topcat

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    Jasmine Crockett D-TX The first 1:43
  2. topcat

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....
  3. topcat

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    Damned ether.
  4. topcat

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

    Syphilis will surely take the mind. (apology to Pete Townsend)
  5. topcat

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

    "But we're also going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to de-bank you from know, your political beliefs, what they do, they want to de-bank you and we're going to de-bank. Think of this. They want to take away your rights, they want to take away...
  6. topcat

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    It's fun to poke Cruz. :wink:
  7. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    In Lot's case, his daughters raped him (playin' passed out). Can I get an amen-na?
  8. topcat

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

    Or, livin' in a van down by the river.
  9. topcat

    Anybody Got The Blues?

    Ventilator Blues. The Rolling Stones
  10. topcat

    Rock & Roll Birthdays

    1949. Mick Taylor. John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, The Rolling Stones. Can't you hear me knocking
  11. topcat


    So god made a dick tater.
  12. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Dish washers, cooks, bus boys, etc.
  13. topcat

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

    Where gravy is considered a vegetable.
  14. topcat

    Political Satire

  15. topcat

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Yeah, it's Trump's fault. The party of personal responsibility.
  16. topcat

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Poor, poor, pitiful me.
  17. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    I say don't even try to deal with these fucks and let them die on the vine.
  18. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    This is too truthful...but funny.
  19. topcat


    Doomsday Clock at 90 seconds to midnight, down from 100 seconds, the closest it's ever been. Scientists to deliver a warning about nuclear war with Doomsday Clock 2024 announcement (
  20. topcat


    "I know more about losing than anyone, that I will tell you."