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  1. Fastslappy

    Strawberry Cough (Quantum Board LED / Organic Living Soil)

    Do Not add to any tea ,sst is sprouted grain quickly blended then added to watering or direct Drench These enzymes r quickly gone in brewing a tea
  2. Fastslappy

    Cheap reflective material similar to mylar/white plastic?

    Emergency Space blankets in the camping area , eBay has dirt cheap They r sheets of foil mylar
  3. Fastslappy

    Strawberry Cough (Quantum Board LED / Organic Living Soil)

    Sprouted corn that is grd up in blender ,till liquid .Coots uses barley I like corn due to a higher enzymes, Enzymes help break down starches of yer admendments into sugars
  4. Fastslappy

    Strawberry Cough (Quantum Board LED / Organic Living Soil)

    Did u use stone flours ? Try Rock dust local for rock flours Seems like alot for a bag but it will last awhile ,the fine grd basalt, st George black clay , granite flour ,,I get the combo st g blk , basalt fines , the humic basalt is good as well
  5. Fastslappy

    Strawberry Cough (Quantum Board LED / Organic Living Soil)

    Keep the RO , if u amended with cal sources ur fine I use RO with Coot's mix , I only use corn sst , I do top dress twice .
  6. Fastslappy

    Cal Mag Question

    Iirc the cal ( carbonates )in tap water is not available to plants
  7. Fastslappy

    Oregon Elite Seeds

    Yeah , don't know what happened but bad stock , seed weevles ,
  8. Fastslappy

    Oregon Elite Seeds

    Dbl think that , many unhappy campers.
  9. Fastslappy

    Cal Mag Question

    Malted seed grd up used as a top dress will help that under cooked issue , as they have high amounts of enzymes that help break down the amendments faster, I use whole corn sst , has a Lotta starches as well so it's prime food for the herd too .
  10. Fastslappy

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    So how do fix that soil ? Let the rain get to it ?
  11. Fastslappy

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Got a 50 lb bag of laying mash
  12. Fastslappy

    Organic Growing: An Introductory Guide

    I run different strains so to be able to move a finicky plant away from a draft ,or a plant that gets to crowding another
  13. Fastslappy

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Be careful too much ash will lock up a plant Happened to me
  14. Fastslappy

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Pee on yer compost pile lol
  15. Fastslappy

    Fungas Gnats or Root Aphids?

    Small f fuckin auto correct
  16. Fastslappy

    Fungas Gnats or Root Aphids?

    I'm @Fastslappy on ig
  17. Fastslappy

    Fungas Gnats or Root Aphids?

    She'S my go to person on pests
  18. Fastslappy

    Fungas Gnats or Root Aphids?

    U on ig ? If so @mlachapell just posted the organic way to stop these ,so try that 1st
  19. Fastslappy

    Fungas Gnats or Root Aphids?

    U need the nematodes & soil mites to keep them under control to eliminate Nematodes should be a standard practice, the mites really will stop many different pests from being a issue
  20. Fastslappy

    Organic Growing: An Introductory Guide

    I'm not 100% no till , some r here as organic who don't no till so pumice is an excellent drainage for those who recycle ,reamend their soils each run ,I partly don't no till as I like to move bags around the gh at different times of year ,45-60 gallon bags I can move ,