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  1. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    So speaking of Moose, years back I was told this story: "Angelo and his family went camping with others in Maine. One of his sons went down to the lake to gather water for washing dishes and such. Standing up he found himself face-to-face with a bull moose. He stood there in frozen fear for...
  2. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    My wife and I do garlic for most cooking. Use it in our breakfast omelets. I have a garlic bread recipe that kills. You can even use dried diced garlic. Take any of your dried herbs and spices and add water 1 for 1, wait about 5 minutes then add to your recipes. That way the spices are not...
  3. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    ...and you whine about your setup. Nice moose.
  4. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    Are you kidding? English food is crap. Eskimos serve a better meal. Between the sheets is all that's important.
  5. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    There has been an evil turn against your significant others people. Remember what is typed here stays here......for her to find at her leisure. I suggest you review your wills.
  6. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    You wax poetic. And yet you kick against my English heritage. "Try an English....women.....". As I said she was my 1st. Fortunately I survived.
  7. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    That's some booty. Careful she may make you swallow your phone. Erase it. Oh that red head I was talking about earlier. Irish! A regular whirling dervish.
  8. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    You mean unsalted POT butter.
  9. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    I'm just hearing about that tripe. Whatever!! I'm more inclined to worry about the IPCC report. BUT!! This is the happy thread. So.....PARTY ON!!
  10. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    My wife on the beach. Martha's Vineyard across the water. Other scenery.
  11. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    Speaking of popcorn. I'm on vacation and last night I decided to pop a bag. Only finding out the micro here is a tad stronger than mine at home. Ended up setting off the fire alarm. Fortunately just the battery one. Opened doors and windows. No one from the front office showed up. I'll try again...
  12. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    3 times the fun. Actually I won't say I understand but it's the dice we roll. My first was that horror pic. but a red head. My second, now, is my Angel.
  13. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    See! This is why I won't drink Jameson. That's why I'm also glad I'm Scot. We're considered to have the most sexual stamina and the least impotence. Guess what neighbor is the opposite. Use it or lose it!
  14. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    I'm not quite sure I understand what your trying to say. Would you mind elaborating a little more.
  15. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    Almost seems to be an oxymoron.
  16. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    So I'm going on vaca next week. Actually starts tomorrow. I'm packing my suitcase. True story. My wife says, " Why are you taking that shirt?" ME, "I like it. I feel good in it. It's my hangout shirt." She, "It has holes in it." ME, "So,....... what if the holes are in all the right places!"...
  17. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    Did you lick'em?
  18. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    Beethoven Mendelssohn YES Pink Floyd Emerson-Lake-Palmer I love classical. I could go on..
  19. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    No I haven't. I'll keep a taste bud ready.
  20. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    My brother-in law has Sticky Fingers still in cellophane.