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  1. Heisenberg

    Chakra Energies

    Chakras are the supposed focal points for prana, or chi, or various other "life energies". They are appropriated from an Eastern mysticism iteration of the pre-scientific idea of vitality. They main points are known as Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, Manipura, Swadhisthana, and Mulaghara...
  2. Heisenberg

    Chakra Energies

    There is no good reason to believe chakras exist. There is exactly as much evidence for chakras as there is for flummers, which is a word I just made up. Anyone who tells you they "know" about them in anything other than a historical context is being disingenuous.
  3. Heisenberg


    Intuition is one of the amazing ways the human mind manages to quickly process huge amounts of information. Even the most simple-minded among us has a brain which is capable of brilliant calculations that are actually pretty damn good at being right about things much of the time. When we need...
  4. Heisenberg


    I couldn't stop doing the hand thing today. What is it? I realize that video might have confused you. This should clear things up.
  5. Heisenberg


    You know what's been missing from your life? Electro-swing!
  6. Heisenberg

    Cannabis and the paranormal

    I think cannabis can help people have experiences they cannot easily explain.
  7. Heisenberg

    Giants are real or fake?

    The Discovery Institute? Are you going to trust the same organization that claims the Earth is merely 6000 years old?
  8. Heisenberg

    Why do humans spread their arms while jumping off things?

    I think it's the body's reaction to finding itself suddenly not in control. It's a form of grasping for straws.
  9. Heisenberg


    This summer has been Fallout New Vegas and now Skyrim, which means I didn't see any of it.
  10. Heisenberg

    Using Placebos to Psychically Heal

    Well, we know that any treatment at all can produce a placebo effect. We could come up with a new treatment tomorrow over a cup of coffee and that treatment will be capable of producing a placebo effect. To be sure patients are improving because of some specific aspect of the treatment we need...
  11. Heisenberg

    Using Placebos to Psychically Heal

    I'm confused. You're asking why some trials include a placebo group?
  12. Heisenberg

    Using Placebos to Psychically Heal

    The placebo effect is interesting, but I think calling it mysterious is going a bit too far. Charlatans like Deepak take advantage of the public's ignorance. "The placebo effect is really many effects. It is everything other than a physiological response to the treatment. It is not all a...
  13. Heisenberg

    Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

    I guess Nature is not a prestigious enough journal to be aware of the link between chemicals and disease. Why else would they allow this blog post to be written in connection with their journal? '“Chemical” is not a dirty word. Nor is it a synonym for “poison” or “toxin.” Chemicals are the...
  14. Heisenberg

    Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

    Indeed. And imagine the body of data needed to determine that crops grown with chemicals do not merely correlate with "disease", but actually cause it. Makes you wonder just what diseases are being caused, how we know chemicals are causing them, and how would we grow anything without...
  15. Heisenberg

    Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

    Cherry picking? Yet another term you seem to misunderstand. I see that CH made a nasty comment. Doesn't mean it's because he feels threatened, Maybe it's just because he doesn't like you. Maybe he has contempt for selective anti-intellectualism. Maybe he's being ironic. Point is, we can...
  16. Heisenberg

    Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

    You appear to just make up reality as it suits you. Does it make you feel better to believe that he is feeling threatened? Truth is, those buds you posted look awesome, but I can post some just as awesome looking that were grown hydroponically. I doubt you would accept from just my pics that...
  17. Heisenberg

    Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

    Argument is how differences are turned into commonalities. It is the entire point of debate. Asking someone to define terms is a way of avoiding derailment, not a way of instigating contention. When you say "chemicals are bad," it's confusing. It invites equivocation. '“If you wish to...
  18. Heisenberg

    Is hydroponics better for the environment? I think it is.

    Please define your use of the term "chemical". To most of us, chemical refers to any compound of elements, organic or not.