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  1. peacemane420


    right on... good to hear good to hear. yaaa i figured its been a few months, time to check in hahaha doin well! =)
  2. peacemane420


    :roll: 10characters
  3. peacemane420


    hahaha! mad love dude how you livin?
  4. peacemane420


    hahha yall still doin that? man long time ago i was in one.... with a bunch of other chicks lol bet someone took it a lil over the top huh?
  5. peacemane420

    The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)

    what is that?.... pcp?
  6. peacemane420


    what thread are yall talkin bout
  7. peacemane420

    The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)

    how did it make you feel?
  8. peacemane420

    The WORST high you ever experienced (any drug)

    ive had a few bad expriences with exctasy. it was all in my head tho LOL one time i took some triple stacks with good friends... had the glowsticks and shit. my friend broke them open and started flinging the liquid all over the walls and right into my eye. shit burned like a mother fucker and...
  9. peacemane420

    Blowin' glass on my new mirage - WINTER 2010/11

    woah dude i love the blue ones. reminds me of the sea and mermaids! they are all fabulous my darling
  10. peacemane420

    L-I-V-I-N MAN!!! wassup

    L-I-V-I-N MAN!!! wassup
  11. peacemane420

    hahha thanks man

    hahha thanks man
  12. peacemane420

    xmas lists! what would you like this year?

    aw are you cold?
  13. peacemane420

    xmas lists! what would you like this year?

    lol ok no smokey with you hahahaha yea i feel you. IM BROKE!
  14. peacemane420

    xmas lists! what would you like this year?

    check! 10characters
  15. peacemane420

    xmas lists! what would you like this year?

    wow she gets uggs... and complains?! bitch! lol
  16. peacemane420

    xmas lists! what would you like this year?

    hahaha i love how he says fricken laser beams! =)
  17. peacemane420

    Where are all the girl growers in here ????

    indeed! tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, peas, lots of herbs, and plenty more. save alot of money in the end =)
  18. peacemane420

    Where are all the girl growers in here ????

    girl im from ft. myers lived there for 19 years! miss that place like crazy
  19. peacemane420

    Ramen Noodles..

    Maruchan is the maker of ramen.... :dunce:
  20. peacemane420

    xmas lists! what would you like this year?

    haahahaahahahaah!!!!!!!!!!!1 how bout yall try swooning a hooker?