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  1. M

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Any idea why this is happening to my WHOLE PLANT? The hairs dry and disappear. Makes no sense. I had long beautiful white hairs and all of a sudden they're NON stop drying out and disappearing. Along side some bug issues i'm having, but it's happening to the whole plant. Could it be from nutes...
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    10 days into flower and preventing caterpillars with BT/Neem Oil [PICS] page 86 last 2 posts are mine. I think I've given up on this batch. As you can see the buds were nice with hair in the beginning and after all this time i've seen them bulk, but the hairs are dead or non...
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Here are some more pictures... HELP!
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    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I'm going crazy one day I have nice white hairs. The next I have dried brown hairs. I've soaked the plants with BT maybe 2 - 3 times in 2 - 3 weeks. I've also used neem oil one time. I've noticed my buds smell great, but all my white hairs are turning brown. The plant is not fulling budding and...
  5. M

    10 days into flower and preventing caterpillars with BT/Neem Oil [PICS]

    What's up people! I am about 10 days into flowering with a Barney Farm LSD. My previous plant that was right next to it was an auto. This auto during the drying phase ended up having a TON of caterpillars. I ended up tossing the batch. I took no preventive measures and didn't see ANY signs of...
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    Barney Farm LSD 1.5 week into flowering

    I believe this is the case. I will continue to feed it flora nova every other day and hope all is well. I guess it's okay if it doesn't smell and gets you lit. I just enjoy the smell and wish it was loud, but it's not. Right now I'm trying to fight this insect and caterpillar problem. I've...
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    Barney Farm LSD 1.5 week into flowering

    I used Fox Farms, and I used veg about 3 or 4 times and I used Bloom one time. Both nutes were from Flora Nova. I just sprayed it with BT as I do have a caterpillar on the plant at the minimum, but due to the butt size I don't know if it's too late to save it from worms. Do you think the BT will...
  8. M

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Will BT help at this age? I see some black dots on leaves and only 1 leaf with holes.
  9. M

    Barney Farm LSD 1.5 week into flowering

    I hope you are right. As of now, when I shake it up or rub the leaves I don't smell much. My last batch of white russian did not have a smell either that's why I am concerned if it's the seed or it's the way I am growing where the smell is not there
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    Barney Farm LSD 1.5 week into flowering

    Whats up yall.. im on 1.5 week into bloom. Ive used flora nova veg and 1 round of flora nova bloom. I also had some holes in a couple leaves and just sprayed them with BT. Hoping i get rid of the worms because i lose my whole grow before due to caterpillars. So, the reason im posting is...
  11. M

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I didn't pay attention to my auto and during the drying stage I noticed budworms all over my buds. Trashed the whole crop. Was about an oz or so. I have another one growing that was right next to it outside. It started flowering last week and the flowers are probably half inch to inch. Just got...
  12. M

    Drying Serious Seeds White Russian #1 AUTO - Advice Urgent!

    How is this environment? And is the bud ready?
  13. M

    Serious Seed With Russian Auto #1 - Is it time? Will this work?

    What do you guys think by the pictures below? It's a small girl, but it was an auto flower and budded real quick. Here is what it looks like atm. Is it time to harvest? Also, I have a closet top that I guess I can use. Attached is a picture of the area looks like the temperature is about 76 - 78...
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    Drying in side of a refrigerator with the door open and a fan

    It sounds like a great idea, but I have no idea how to do it. It's an old fridge from our house before. Nothing fancy. It's very old, but works great. How would I go about hooking up the fans?
  15. M

    Drying in side of a refrigerator with the door open and a fan

    Yo fam! Quick questions, if I leave the fridge door open and have the light off crack the door a little and add a fan, do you think I will be able to dry the herb? I don't really have many options. I can get the temperature around 55 - 65 it will vary during day and time with the door open and...
  16. M

    Drying Serious Seeds White Russian #1 AUTO - Advice Urgent!

    Yeah, I mean the humidity on weather says about 50% - 55% with temps around 89 - 95. However, in my garage it's really stuffy since no air flow is happening and the temps will be about the same. I'm assuming if the outside has humidity so will the inside of the garage? How long do you think the...
  17. M

    Drying Serious Seeds White Russian #1 AUTO - Advice Urgent!

    I see okay, so then my best option is paper bags if my temps are going to be as high as 80. Did you hang them in the paper bags, or just harvest and put it inside?
  18. M

    Drying Serious Seeds White Russian #1 AUTO - Advice Urgent!

    Did you put it in the paper shopping bag and leave it in the hot weather?
  19. M

    Drying Serious Seeds White Russian #1 AUTO - Advice Urgent!

    Hello Fam! I am ready to harvest my plant, but I am in a little bit of trouble. Unfortunately I have no where to dry this harvest! My only options are in a Garage in So Cal where it gets to about 80 - 90 degrees with stale air or a dark refrigerator where I can turn the temperature up all the...