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  1. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Can you try installing this over 0.7.4 and tell me if it does the same thing or not? Labeled as 0.7.5 but installs as 0.7.4 still Lx
  2. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Posted an update, working on swapping out the code base in the next release 0.8.0 finally. Going to jack the DPI up quite a bit too, did a small bump in this release. Changes in 0.7.4: - Increased DPI, second increase coming in 0.8.0 - Replaced some datepicker controls with datetimepicker -...
  3. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Try hitting the new button first, that should let you input a new plant. Also the full source is online if you want to poke around, the new source is much cleaner and structured into individual classes but I haven't posted that as of yet. Lx
  4. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Thanks! Yeah it's a lot of pages to read through I'm going to start a new thread on the new version here pretty soon. Feel free to ask any question on the existing version though and nope no donations links. Lx
  5. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    LOL, that version is a year and half old and nobody has ever had the problems you describe it's a little late to troll now little guy Lx
  6. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Yeah, there's a lineage/info section but I can add an individual notes section too so you can save them by date to the plants structure in the next release.
  7. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Oh the https doesn't redirect anymore that's my bad, it's which redirects to codeplex
  8. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    You can type in the time after the date if you want it to be that specific. It posts 12 AM to the record and doesn't display the time in the current version by default, if there's interest I can add a time field. Lx
  9. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Nope sorry was just talking about my computer Lx
  10. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Thanks for reminding me, the website is going to go down for a few too. Moving to another host now that this shitty one's contract is up but you can still grab off sourceforge and codeplex. Lx
  11. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Thanks, I got it fixed already so all is gravy Lx
  12. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Thanks! Yup if you go to options -> tabs then check environment under the rooms section and hit save. Restart the app and it'll be under rooms -> environment You have to be running 0.7.3 the newest version Lx
  13. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Funny story, the day after I posted that the GPU in my 16 month old imac died. Fucking cheap piece of shit! Lx
  14. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Increment the time when it's checked as in use, good idea! I had setup a more complicated auto-track system that aged the bulbs ballasts but I'm in the process of re-writing pieces I think that would be a good change. Going to try to put it in the new version, thanks! Lx
  15. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Not true! I've actually gotten a lot of work done the past 3 weeks and will have the new code base on sourceforge here yet today. The mac release won't be far behind the new windows release, the new code base is a HUGE part of enabling a full featured mac version. I do apologize to everyone...
  16. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    8========> :-o <========8
  17. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Have been working on it, I'll have a project update early next week. Have been slowly getting back to full speed again, should be back to posting version updates regularly again real soon! Lx
  18. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Thanks, there should be a picture and video tab if you don't see it goto options then tabs to enable it. Lx
  19. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Ya it doesn't like empty values or anything but numbers in the value. Let me know if you still have problems Lx
  20. LuciferX

    Free Grow Software!

    Yup definitely works on windows 8, should work on the next versions of windows for a long time as is. I'm making a windows 8 tablet app, you could use it on the desktop too but I really don't think those metro apps are meant to be used with a mouse/keyboard. Lx