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  1. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

    Yea that was the chickens. It was the time of day that they queue up and start laying their daily egg .
  2. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

    I picked the cuts up at harborside.
  3. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

  4. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

  5. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

    This is pretty much what's been rattling around in my noggin. I don't expect to part ways soon either.
  6. mwooten102

    Bone dry by July...

    This is what I'm talking about.
  7. mwooten102

    Bone dry by July...

    Nope, I just open carry my sense of humor. I mean I've been dealing with your for 5 years so I kind of have to.
  8. mwooten102

    Outdoor plant guesstimate

    So when I go to Myanmar you're not gonna come visit me?
  9. mwooten102

    Bone dry by July...

    On The upside. I think the name is funny? Lol.
  10. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

    They're in front of a 6' fence. They're in 30 gallon smart pots and they share a screen of 4'x12'. The 2x4 is 4' off of the fence.
  11. mwooten102

    2016 Woot farms.

    @gitarre10000 this is what they looked like yesterday.
  12. mwooten102

    What do 5 pound plants look like?

    That could be your 5 pounder. There is a ton of work to make that happen though. I'd get staking.
  13. mwooten102

    Stalk Talk 16

    I had to chug enough to get it through the cage. Lol
  14. mwooten102

    Stalk Talk 16

    The grandmaster. That's tallboy for tws.
  15. mwooten102

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    What country is he from?
  16. mwooten102

    Stalk Talk 16

    Love the name lol.
  17. mwooten102

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    What a beauty. I love c99 you'd think I'd grow it at some point.
  18. mwooten102

    Bugs and the outdoors

    Long story short. If you spray more you'll build resistant bugs. Continued use after that point is only going to further build resistance. Remember an insects life cycle is short, they reproduce quickly and share their resistance with their offspring. It's like these super bugs caused by over...
  19. mwooten102

    Bugs and the outdoors

    Google the label. That's what I'd do to provide you one.
  20. mwooten102

    NorCal flowering?

    You don't seem to understand that they flower in the absence of light in the quantity of 10 hours or more. 14/10.