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  1. Sevenleaves

    First Time Growing, Outdoor Unknown Strain

    Two weeks into flower isn't a lot. You won't see the start to stack up for a while yet. I am not familiar with the roots stuff. But you want to make sure you feed them something with plenty of Phosphate P2O5 and Putash K2O.A little epson salt and molasses is won't hurt either.Theres a lot of...
  2. Sevenleaves

    Will it hermaphrodite?

  3. Sevenleaves

    open show an tell 19

    Nic Nice plants.
  4. Sevenleaves

    Discolored Pistils

    It's totally normal for plants to yellowing as they stack up bud. Some strains the leaves will turn purple and yellow.
  5. Sevenleaves

    Massachusetts Outdoor Grow 2019

    I had to chop one of my MOBs early yesterday because of it. Originally noticed some rot a few days ago and cut it out. Found more yesterday, so fuck it. Really sucked because that plant had buds the size of my forearm. I ended up tossing a good 1/2 oz. Should still be ok, but would have been...
  6. Sevenleaves

    open show an tell 19

    Clones I got from another grower.
  7. Sevenleaves

    open show an tell 19

    9/4 update from the coast of southern Maine. First three are Budda Tahoe the next three is MOB and the last two is a Green Hornet. Things are going well so far, the Green Hornet will be a late one, probably close to the end of October.
  8. Sevenleaves

    Best strains for September harvests?

    Larry Bird lol. Sorry for your lost, but he was proof white men could jump.
  9. Sevenleaves

    Using molasses and fox farm big bloom.

    Big bloom is good stuff, plants look nice.
  10. Sevenleaves

    How Much Do Outdoor Plants Yield?

    Last year a got a 1 3/4lbs off two plants. One plant alone was over a pound. This year has yet to be told. Different strains but more plants this year hoping for around 2 1/2.
  11. Sevenleaves

    open show an tell 19

    Update from the coast of southern Maine. Things are happening.
  12. Sevenleaves

    Brewers Toker Grow - 2019

    Nice little gift from the gods,lol.
  13. Sevenleaves

    Flowering plant hermy... Can i hack them off?

    We've become spoiled, back in the day all the weed had seeds.
  14. Sevenleaves

    open show an tell 19

    The girls are coming along nicely. 2 +3 an is unknown, just starting to flower @ 7'+ 1+6 is a Budda Taho, full of tops just started to blossom a couple days ago. 4+5 is an MOB, stacking up nicely way ahead of the others. Should be some nice bud when finished.
  15. Sevenleaves

    pH'ing your outdoor grow water?

    I use plain old Saco River water straight from the tap. My plants do very well, sometimes humans overthink.
  16. Sevenleaves

    Do this looks vegging or flowering?

    They will stretch more.
  17. Sevenleaves

    Outdoor Grow 2019

    Why do you suppose that leaf is curled? I have a couple on one of my MOB that did that. It doesn't seem to have affected anything. It's flowering nicely.
  18. Sevenleaves

    Frog on a leaf

    Never seen this before, it's only maybe a 1/2".