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  1. rob333

    Watering question?

    you can go 2 ways top up or dump and refill i top up but dump every week in flower
  2. rob333

    Seedlings stretching like crazy

    damn u so need more light
  3. rob333

    Climate controlled grow fridge

    also i got a climate controlled dishwasher on the role but thats work in progress
  4. rob333

    Climate controlled grow fridge

    check out my new climate controlled grow oven soon to be coming my climate controlled grow microwave
  5. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    i was growing dope when fluro's were the new in thing if u were to say back in 81 that a thin board would grow u buds u would prob end up in the desert in a nice hole
  6. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    i would not listen to many people here they like to think there growers but many have pushed 1 grow thru now they are pro's lol i have been doing this for 12 years longer
  7. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    not really just says there a diff strain i have ones planted 3 weeks later flower quicker then ones i planted 3 weeks before hand
  8. rob333

    Rob333 back with opium

    3 in a row always make shit go white gives ya that feeling of i think i may die lol but u do pull thru
  9. rob333

    Rob333 back with opium

    i have spent a good hour throwing up in the shower after drilling 2-3 in a row
  10. rob333

    Rob333 back with opium

    i some times press balls of hash with balls or opium and spend a good hour pushing it thru itself that shit messes u up pretty bad
  11. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    the first 2 weeks they can show 1 sex but if stress and just out right bad conditions can mess up the sex hard the first 2 weeks of sex is pretty important if u grow from seed it can show female for the first 2 weeks then decide nope ima male that shit up have had it happen a few times 1 this grow
  12. rob333

    Criticize my first setup

    its gay and one light will do f all you did say Criticize ;)
  13. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    if any here says they can tell its a male right now is so full of shit
  14. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    i have seen many a thing look like that get fatter and spit out hairs so like a isaid it is way to early to tell
  15. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    thats not male btw
  16. rob333

    What sex is my plant

    not even close to say f its male or female just be taken a stab in the dark
  17. rob333

    modified DTW/ recirculatingDTW coco grow

    we on sesame street or what ?
  18. rob333

    How to get clean THC/terpenes from moldy bud

    i think he tried some in a bowl and died
  19. rob333

    Fan leaves

    i find really no diff in pulling leaves to not pulling leaves unless u are making way for more light to get in thats a diff story
  20. rob333

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    here ill throw a plastic bag over your head for 2 hours at a time and see how that goes ?