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  1. G

    Building a room

    I thought about using the closet as a mother room and taking the idea I seen on here and cut clones and flower them in a flood table. Just don't know if I will pull enough to supply me and my patient. But as of now I hand water once a day but I don't like the plants to get over 2 feet going into...
  2. G

    Building a room

    Well this is my second post here. Been a long time follower of RIU. Have been a indoor gardener for about 4 years now. I recently purchased my first home (not a grow house). Before this I was growing in a detached garage where I build on to a existing walkin closet that was there. Worked ok hard...
  3. G

    Dropping a patient

    Thank you
  4. G

    Dropping a patient

    What forum do I need to send out in the State of Michigan to drop a patient?