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  1. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Cadet Bonespurs is using war terms now. Not even trying to disguise it with force, captain and war council. The first couple minutes
  2. topcat

    Rock & Roll Birthdays

    1944. Boz Scaggs. Lido shuffle
  3. topcat

    Political Satire

  4. topcat

    leave a song for the day

    Lovely cruise. Jimmy Buffett
  5. topcat


    "A professional shit poster" exposed.
  6. topcat


    Yeah, the post is fact but is it true? Why did he take that post as troubling, there's got to be a lot of those. Judge has some 'splainin' to do.
  7. topcat


    "NBC News has not verified...":wall: Is Merchan going to jump at every rumor? Maybe he thinks it was planted by the defense?
  8. topcat

    Legal woes of That Man’s associates

    Pardon of Meadows? From the governor?
  9. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Only unborn lives matter.
  10. topcat

    Legal woes of That Man’s associates

    Outside courthouses, one white-haired, bearded man with shades consistently shows up behind the culprit and in line with the cameras. He holds signs like "Lock him up". I wish I could thank him.
  11. topcat

    The Junk Drawer

    My dad was a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was in multiple landings while island hopping. I'm lucky to be here typing this.
  12. topcat

    The Junk Drawer

  13. topcat

    Just had the coolest thing happen

  14. topcat


    It's not up to him.
  15. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    More squint.
  16. topcat

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership
  17. topcat

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    The Convict will want a piece of that. Expect a cease-and-desist letter from his shysters. It won't work, though.
  18. topcat

    Republicans — fighting for all the wrong things

    Gold for comics.
  19. topcat

    Republicans — fighting for all the wrong things

    Boobert and Marge, the horse, come up with new werds for their dolts to hang on.
  20. topcat

    Republicans — fighting for all the wrong things

    Uniparty. The flash hate word du jour. Hillarious.:lol: