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  1. Heisenberg

    A light left on during night cycle

    Some strains are more sensitive than others, but chances are excellent that you'll be fine. I can't tell you how many failed timers and stupid mistakes I have went through. Always works out fine. In any case, the only course of action is to get back on schedule. Most likely, this...
  2. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." Did you just use 'ladies' as a derogatory term? Because ladies aren't good at dealing with stuff? If JP said this you would be decrying his sexism at the top of your shrill lungs. Fortunately for you, JP has said other...
  3. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    To be fair, this usage is virtually nonexistent outside of a classroom. When you hear the term used on social media it's safe to assume the subject is the conspiracy theory which blames social progress like marriage equality and women's rights on a plot by the Jews to bring down traditionalist...
  4. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    "The tactic behind whataboutism has been around for a long time. Rhetoricians generally consider it to be a form of tu quoque, which means 'you too' in Latin and involves charging your accuser with whatever it is you've just been accused of rather than refuting the truth of the accusation made...
  5. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    The bar for purity is such that it's not enough to simply oppose discrimination, it's set so that you can't say anything that SJWs can twist and misrepresent as discrimination. This will be done even if there is no logical connection between what you've said and how you've been represented...
  6. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    Let's be clear, I don't think you are mean, I think you are absurd and transparent. In your world, everyone you interact with can only be one of three kinds of people - those who agree, those who are ignorant, and those who are against you. You know this about people before you even meet them...
  7. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    So, as it turns out, Buck has been attacking and berating a bunch of people who don't actually support or endorse anything JP says. It seems like Buck himself is the one that's been keeping people from discussing the fact that JP has nothing meaningful to say. It's almost as if running into a...
  8. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    I saw that interview a couple of days ago. I agree, openly admitting that you were wrong is an unusual thing. He was the same way with Sam Harris. He admitted that Sam has some very strong and compelling arguments against the idea that usefulness = truth, and that he would have to give those...
  9. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    Setting aside my conversation with Buck, I am wondering what exactly it is that you guys admire about JP. The man doesn't seem to be on the right side of any issues. He seems to be full of bad arguments for stupid ideas. Sure, he looks reasonable when held next to reactionaries like Buck, but...
  10. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    Right, this is exactly what I said you would do. Point to actual atrocities and pretend like they are somehow your own. Divert the outrage that these kids deserve and use it as cover for your own shitty disposition. Pepper it with name calling and belittlement, and then stroke your boner in...
  11. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    I've actually said I feel JP has a terrible grasp of logic and a self-serving approach to truth to the point that no one should pay attention to anything he says. In your world, that makes me his apologist. You even purport that I am 'not rocking the boat,' meaning, in your mind, not rocking...
  12. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    Let's not pretend the fascists give a shit about what I do or how I react. The person that cares is you. You are personally annoyed that my words do not fall in line with how you feel I should act, and you are willing to make whatever assumptions you need in order to justify that annoyance. I...
  13. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    So, part of my trimming routine is to catch up on shows. One of the shows in my backlog folder is Jim Jefferies. Low and behold, one of episodes waiting for me was with the JP interview. While I didn't come away liking JP any more, I did come away with renewed disdain for people willing to...
  14. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    Probably? Why hedge your bets? Obviously, if I don't feel that I want my mind littered with the rhetorical ramblings of JP, that must mean I have no strong feelings about the issues he speaks on. It must mean that if someone in my life expressed the same arguments, I wouldn't say anything to...
  15. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    I'll have to find a way to live with your disappointment.
  16. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    I have only heard snippets of JP's political views from his own mouth. My extent of the man's outlook is limited to the 3-4 hour interview he did with Sam Harris in which he spends half of it arguing the absurd idea that anything which is useful is true. He wasn't suggesting some sort of...
  17. Heisenberg

    Jordan Peterson

    I also feel like people have little to look up to or be inspired by these days. None of our institutions are worthy of respect. The police, education, politics, corporations, banks, entertainment industry- they're all piles of shit ran by shitty people who shit on everything. Unless it's their...
  18. Heisenberg

    Scientist says all cannabis basically the same?

    Keep in mind that this is a journalist's shitty interpretation of the current state of scientific research. Someone who is trained to evaluate scientific literature would never come away from this subject with the idea the "scientists say blah blah." Really, all that can be said here is that...
  19. Heisenberg

    Chemtrails, what are they? Vote Here..!

    "If the chemtrail conspiracy were true, millions of pilots would be needed to crop dust the American population. A typical crop duster might use seven ounces of agent diluted in seven gallons of water to cover one acre of land. Chemtrail 'people dusters' would use a similar concentration to...
  20. Heisenberg

    Scientist says all cannabis basically the same?

    Monsanto doesn't sue for cross pollination, they sue for breach of contract or patent infringement (theft). Even then, there has only been 147 lawsuits filed since 1997. It certainly doesn't happen everyday. If you find Monsanto seed has somehow found its way into your crops, they will remove...