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  1. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Rooting and seeds.
  2. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Well got this, hopefully its not shit
  3. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    I have it but isnt that cheating, you know its a low yielder, and im going to need more veg time then usual... Ok some stipulations ...i have to pay for all this... 4 plants a square foot is 192 plants....thats 192 cubes... well ok that doesnt sound to bad 192 cuts from a mac might take me...
  4. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Oh you better check your own pants, im here to stay now
  5. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Should be getting the mars hydro unit today
  6. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Candy is dandy Skeptics oh ya makes sense. Civil discourse in bad faith...ya fuck that, the pearl clutchers can ccry about what im saying all they want, i have yet to hear any reasonable response by anything of merit as to why a 100 plants of 6" by 6" in a 5' x 5' cant yield an oz a piece...
  7. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    A grower of merit should be able to achieve their goal in multiple ways not just one. So set the term or just wait and watch. Bring your friends. Ill have candy for the minors
  8. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Ok keep up. I'm going to show 3 grams is easy. I find it very funny that you all cant grasp these simply techniques. So ill show. I was giving bk69 the option to set certian conditions, you too if you want, of the grow.. I.E.. number of plants length of veg.... even which strain...
  9. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    When turns, imma set it up for this unobtainium challenge from the LED army And if none of you can agree to set terms ill just do 100 plants of one strian in 8 in cubes and go buck wild
  10. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Yall gonna get to pick conditions so save the pearl clutching for another month
  11. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Welcome to my world explaining grower techniques to people who call themselves growers
  12. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Small plants , you just said yield is root mass, already showed you small plants 8 weeks old in veg, they aint gonna jump 3 times their size, they aint brocolli
  13. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Im only shootong for 2 ozs a veg is for design/structure not crazy yields...but think about it 6in cube 2 ozs 4 in a square foot, 200grams + a sq foot... I can yield 300 easy from a 5 gallon, a 6in grodan cubes hold about as much water as a 2 gallon smart pot. Size of coontainer...
  14. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    So wait, im trying to understand this , roots have a life cycle outside the plants controlled photoperoid?
  15. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    This is gonna be great a pod of pedantics.... gonna eat crow
  16. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    A root bound plant is a plant with with root issues but its not anything to do with age but simple bad media choices for a plant that age, soils become hydrophobic, roots die and decompose naturally... if you are not using an enzyme to aid in decomposition you can run into lots of problems...
  17. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Root bound plants..dude you know its a myth... A root bound plant is a neglected plant. Ive keept a mom for 1.5years in a 2 gallon smart pot Doesnt happen in grodan cubes
  18. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    So you are not using grodan cubes. Got it
  19. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    If you want big numbers it takes work, ill also be spraying some kelps and feeding others to boost early branching
  20. rustyshaclkferd

    Grams per watt

    Ya, as much as a talk about the math, i do often have to do the arithmetic twice...dyslexics as fuck