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  1. Cwmoore577

    Need opinions on photos

    To give an overview, I run a pretty basic closet DIY tent setup (PVC with black/white poly film) with a single 600w full spec LED, Temps are usually 75-80, exact humidity unknown. Soil is FoxFarm Strawberry Fields. Plants are still vegging at 11 almost 12 weeks old. I have General Organics...
  2. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    It does have a few leaves that kinda look like russet damage with the curled up edges that resembles heat stress.
  3. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    Ok I’ll keep that in mind and water less. What do you think of the mites found? Didn’t find many but could they be causing anything as well?
  4. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    Well for one a guy on here said he used FFSF and his plants “burned to shit” is what he said. Also, I just left the hydro garden store here in town and the guy there suggested that it could be russet mites. Any idea if he could be right? I spotted a couple mites after looking it over with a...
  5. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    Well I get runoff every watering but idk if close to 20% comes out, definitely not every time. Like last night I gave each container like 32 oz of pure distilled and a small amount drained so that I could stick the ph pen in. Then I added 16oz of the distilled water w/ calmag in it. 24-32 oz is...
  6. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    So watering less should fix the issue? Also I pH’ed my runoff which is low at 5.3. Could that be an issue?
  7. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    Yes the NPK of the calmag is 2-0-0. And thanks I’ll keep that in mind.
  8. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    I’d say they’re about 2.5 to 3ft tall and in 5 gal containers. I do try to get a measure by checking weight but mostly I use a moisture meter and check to see if it’s dry 2-3 inches in the soil. And yes, the clawing, curling under, brown spots, reddish stems developed on newer growth recently...
  9. Cwmoore577

    Spots appearing - need help

    Ok, so I have a pretty basic closet set up with a single 600w full spec light, Temps are usually 70-80 but exact humidity unknown. Soil is FoxFarm Strawberry Fields which I read that people have had problems with also. Plants are still vegging at 9 weeks old. I have General Organics BioThrive...
  10. Cwmoore577

    FoxFarm Strawberry Fields

    Hey, just wondering if any has used FFSF during vegetation and could it cause issues. I know they say it has low nitrogen, high phosphorus & potassium, 1% calcium and 6.5ph. Should I try to transfer the plants to FFOF for the rest of vegetation or just add nutes to it? I have General Organics...
  11. Cwmoore577

    Mag deficiency? Nitrogen tox/def??

    I’ve got them written out in a journal. I’ve been watering once every 3rd or 4th day for about 3 weeks now. Trying to let it dry more and getting used to the weight of the containers. For the first 3-4 weeks I watered every 2nd to 3rd day.
  12. Cwmoore577

    Mag deficiency? Nitrogen tox/def??

    I’ve given it a dose of calmag supplement to see what happens. Waiting to see. Thanks for your input!
  13. Cwmoore577

    Mag deficiency? Nitrogen tox/def??

    They were also transferred into new soil as well. And I was already giving a very low dose to begin with. Was going to resume nutes 3 weeks out from the transfer. Should I resume anyway?
  14. Cwmoore577

    Mag deficiency? Nitrogen tox/def??

    Also remembered this plant is in foxfarm strawberry fields and not Ocean Forest. Also bought cal mag supplement and added some to it at half dose (2.5ml per gallon)
  15. Cwmoore577

    Mag deficiency? Nitrogen tox/def??

    My prior post had someone suggest that it was nitrogen tox so I cut nutes for two and 1/2 weeks and only watered with pure distilled. Did not seem to help and new growth still showing signs of it. Which means either soil is hot or it’s something else. Just trying to get more insight and opinions.
  16. Cwmoore577

    Mag deficiency? Nitrogen tox/def??

    I posted here not long ago and a few people suggested nitrogen toxicity was my issue. I have cut off all nutrient solution to see if it recovered. New growth showing same problems as shown in the picture, yellowing between the veins, yellowing and browning in old growth and curling. Using a...
  17. Cwmoore577

    N tox ??

    Idk the plants really aren’t but about a foot tall right now. And one of the newer leaves on the 2nd newest set is already curling and wasn’t yesterday. I’m hoping I can solve the issue before it gets worse.
  18. Cwmoore577

    N tox ??

    There is not
  19. Cwmoore577

    N tox ??

    Also this is my 2nd plant. Curling issues as well but not as much yellowing.
  20. Cwmoore577

    N tox ??

    Not a clone. Germinated them from seed.