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  1. W

    My first grow-journal (12/29/21)

    Day 23 My first leafs on the bottom are spotting, turning yellow and starting to crumble. All leaves above are fine and show they are healthy. transplanted into 3 gallon fabric pots. sf4000 at 50% 30 inches away Did not feed with one shot from nectar of the gods this transplant. Will wait till...
  2. W

    Don’t know what’s wrong. New grower

    Added a shot glass of water to a few of them. After 6 hours they’re perky and healthy looking. I thought I was over watering tbh. Trans planting tomorrow
  3. W

    Don’t know what’s wrong. New grower

    I like the straight forwardness. will do lmao
  4. W

    Don’t know what’s wrong. New grower

    yes. about 5-6 holes in each. when i do water it runs off well. i feel like the last week theyve barley grown
  5. W

    Don’t know what’s wrong. New grower

    I feel like I’m over watering my plants but it’s been 4 days since I last watered them. They’re all drooping hard but not curling in. Two of my plants that had dots on the leafs are now turning yellow and curling and brittle. Both the same strain. None of my other plants are doing that. Maybe...
  6. W

    Spotting on leafs

    I try to ph between 6.3-6.5. ill check the soils ph later. im currently using dry amendments. so i added the amendments when potted for seedlings but havent fed them since. will feed next when they need it or when transplanted. this is my first grow btw.
  7. W

    Spotting on leafs

    This is only on 1 plant. Banana hammock from ethos. All the others are fine. sf4000 at 50% power and 30 inches from plants strawberry fields fox farm with ewc and one shot from nectar of the gods. its Currently day 19. i watered them yesterday Temp is 75 constantly and humidity is 65%
  8. W

    Deficiency or mutation?

    This is end game by ethos. All of my other plants are fine. Can’t tell what’s wrong with it.
  9. W

    My first grow-journal (12/29/21)

    thanks. BTW guys im red/green color blind so i have a hard time seeing the changing of color in the leafs. I may miss the change sometimes. ill try to catch it most of the time but if you happen to see any discoloration please drop down for me :)
  10. W

    My first grow-journal (12/29/21)

    at how many nodes do you start to regularly water?
  11. W

    My first grow-journal (12/29/21)

    Day 11. 12 plants. The berry og X Strawnana from purple city genetics are being held up after one fell over. All of them have thin and light green stems vs the thicker and darker green of the other strains. I originally thought it could be damping off from over watering. I water them all the...
  12. W

    My first grow-journal (12/29/21)

    I know there’s a total other thread for this but me being a newbie I thought it would be more suited to post in the newbie central category. First off I’ll be using 4 different seed strains. Frosted biscotti from Sin city genetics, Brr berry og x strawnana from Purple city genetics, end...
  13. W

    Maybe spider mites

    thanks :)
  14. W

    Maybe spider mites

    perhaps so. will stop watering until fully dry
  15. W

    Maybe spider mites

    my local hydroponics only had strawberry fields from fox farms. getting ocean forest for the first transplant. used 25% perlite 25% ewc and 50% stawberry fields. i know strawberry fields is best for flowering stage but its all i had at the moment.
  16. W

    Maybe spider mites

    New to growing. This will be my first grow. I’ve looked at pictures of bud with spider mites all over it. As of rn it’s only day 5 and I see some odd spider web like structures building up in my soil and cups. Could you confirm? And if yes what can I do to get rid of the infestation
  17. W

    Fellowship Of The 4x4 Tent

    even with 2 and half months of veg then 2 and half months of flower thats still nearly 5 grows a year when split between the tents.
  18. W

    Fellowship Of The 4x4 Tent

    does your 1 veg tent completely veg for both of your 2 flower tents? so you get like 6 grows a year assuming your seed is done flowering in 60 days
  19. W

    Dry amendments, mainlined green crack

    50/50 ratio. 3 table spoons per gallon as the master of this method does it (canuck). you wont get much feedback from anyone using this method as most veteran growers frown upon this method despite them never trying it. dry amendments cant break down in coco without microbes but adding stuff as...