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  1. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    O.k. we're just poking each other in our eyes.
  2. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    Oh you cretin. Boy you deserve a crown. I just pulled a century out of my arse. Nice...very nice. Your the first one to actually searched for substance. Kudos to you. Boy do I hold you in high standards.
  3. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    No your worst nightmare wouldn't compete.
  4. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    O.K. .....I just needed to know your just a clown. Whew!!! You had me going there for a while. Women don't necessarily go to clown school. So, Roberta, I wish the best for you.
  5. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    Second row from the right. Third one up. Tues. night.
  6. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like Got me!. Never saw one. Oh no wait....14th century Rome. Do I win??
  7. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    Educate me. What did he do right?
  8. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    No I believe she wishes to fit in. Roberta wants to be noticed.
  9. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

    I so love "When worlds collide". It's so Absolute.
  10. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    I can't believe we are having these conversations. We do this while the chicken is cooking in the grill. Killing time.
  11. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    Not that I'm totally in line with FogDog. In fact I'm a little dizzy but, your statement needs a foundation. You lack foundation. Please post something, ANYTHING, that backs up your theory.
  12. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    No nononono, you can use Dump's time in office as an example of a cult following. And yes if he had his way would've held that seat till death do they part. But fortunately the system, our standard system, took care of that. A cult has an ironclad leader who will not be deposed nor is there a...
  13. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    During the 70's when the Bruins were hot we had a saying, "Jesus saves, but Esposito scores on the rebound."
  14. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    Probably like around 1635. G-d fearing people surrounded by heathens. We know how that went.
  15. Don't Bogart

    Happy thread :)

  16. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    I actually missed that. I would've thought they were one and the same. This feed started out with a"what if.." and has devolved or evolved to Marxism. Totally opposite to the 1st several posts. Marx was an atheist. Weirder still, Hitler was motivated by reading Marx. Here's a little segue some...
  17. Don't Bogart

    free speech warriors are trying to cancel culture me for calling it horsey meds

    Ketamine is being used to kick start someone who's anti- depressants are not working well. Couple of hospitals around here have been doing studies with it. Lots of studies done with psychedelic drugs.
  18. Don't Bogart

    What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

    Or are told that by their leader/s. Remember their not allowed free thinking. I think I miss the point here. If in fact it was adapted to be racist wouldn't the right like this? Or are you saying that it points to racism, white suppression, and the right doesn't want it taught because they...
  19. Don't Bogart

    Afganistan Collapse

    He was yelling at California for not going out there with rakes. RAKES!? Threatening to cut off funding. 60% of the forest is federal land which he'd rather have, (and did), give to corporate industries to mine and drill for oil. There's core values for yah...