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  1. coralreefer999

    rDWC getting worse

    So I thought it was Cal deficiency and added Senisi Cal Mag Extra. Things got worse and plant got super droopy, so I flushed with 20 gallons of RO 6.0ph water to bring ppm down to 400. After another 12 hours and a spray of just RO water they still look like crap (and getting worse). Do I need...
  2. coralreefer999

    rDWC getting worse

    I posted this on another site and did not get much input, hoping I'll have better luck here. 1 post is my repost then an update. Jan 14th; Hey all complete hydro newb here. This is my first grow and I did a supper stupid thing. I started in soil and then transplanted to hydro (clones, to 4...