I learned a lot yesterday about just leaving them be. I Kept seeing bad things about miricale grow Nd got nervous. So I ordered what I thought was a better dirt In FFOF... so should I leave them in what they are now, or get them out of that
To everyone who helped me out last night, thank you. I put her in the closet by herself, and was easy on the lighting. Also gave her a heat mat, because my house gets pretty cold outside the tent that’s she’s used to.. thanks again guys big time
I did start them in miracle grow back on September 23rd then did my research and orderd all the proper stuff and trying to transfer without researching I was too excited this happend
Thanks man really appreciate the help when you say root ball you mean the whole thing like the first shaped as the pot? Or do you mean like taking the plant out the dirt beucause that what I did with the plant that’s dropping I dug like and inch around the stem and the dirt loosend up and it had...
So when I transfer the other one just take out the whole plant with pervious soil and just make a bigger hole in new pot for it? Does it matter that it was miricale grow soil and putting it in FFOF
I gave her nutes before I transferd her like 4 days ago when she was in miracle grow I moved her to Fox farm ocean forest I stopped giving them nutes after someone said there to little right now my temp is 80degree and 40 percent humidity
Lol no I just started this so I might have over reacting but this my first grow so that’s one is like a monster in my mind and I just defeated it lol but it was almost instantly how she dropped Nd so did my heart kuz she my biggest plant lol
It’s just crazy how I set her in her new pot put her back in tent got the other pot ready and went to get another plant to transfer and within 5 mins she was touching the floor i was like what the hell happened beucae my other plants weren’t that big so it didn’t have that much root so it didn’t...