Search results

  1. Crab Pot

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    Hilary and Obama have been protecting Erdogan, the Islamist terrorist. Everyone has seen hundreds of white Toyota trucks that Obama sent to ISIS along with most of their weapons.
  2. Crab Pot

    bodhi seeds

    I don't really think anyone is trying to say one way is better than another. Like I said earlier, there are advantages/disadvantages to any type of growing. Nobody should take this personally, we're all learning, especially me. It's just that so many people seem to be intimated by organics when...
  3. Crab Pot

    bodhi seeds

    Great explanation and pics man, really impressive! I know it's been said more than once but I really think it's important to understand. When talking organics, were not talking about bottled organic nutes. Most of us don't feel those are truly organic and the results don't hold up. Here's a...
  4. Crab Pot

    Has this website been infiltrated by paid Russian trolls?

    I'm sure your right and I'm sure they have a lot on Hillary. The Sec of State doing all of her business on private, unprotected servers with life's and our national security at stake. Hell, the DNC can't even protect their servers.
  5. Crab Pot

    Has this website been infiltrated by paid Russian trolls?

    I don't think there is any proof that Thrump has any paid internet trolls. I did a Google search but couldn't find anything. Do you know of any proof? On the other hand, there are a ton of articles on the Internet about Hillary's army of paid internet trolls. Here's just a couple...
  6. Crab Pot

    bodhi seeds

    I'm not sure there is a good way to say this and I don't know how long he's been growing for. He hit me up in a PM a few months back to ask for help teaching him how to top a plant. I was happy to do so, that's what this place is for. He would send me pics with questions, it went along for a...
  7. Crab Pot

    Let's talk Clinton Foundation

    Thump has not paid a few thousands employees??? LOL Yea right! You can't substantiate it because it didn't happen. Having fun making things up? Enjoy making a fool out of yourself with the penis talk? What mature person speaks the way you do? This is substantiated my friend: ***Hillary set...
  8. Crab Pot

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    Wake up dude! You've been sleeping way to long.....
  9. Crab Pot

    Let's talk Clinton Foundation

    Nice try. Putting hard working people out of business?? That best describes the Democratic Party. Thrump has created over 30,000 jobs on his own. Clinton and Kaine = 0 * Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law and Hillary supported it. NAFTA has been the biggest job killer in Recent American...
  10. Crab Pot

    Let's talk Clinton Foundation

    Let me help out all of you good Americans and summarize how the Clinton Foundation works as a tax free international money laundering scheme. It may eventually prove to be the largest political criminal enterprise in U.S. history. This is a textbook case on how you hide foreign money sent to you...
  11. Crab Pot

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets ‘quarantined’ — and now won’t be speaking at Democratic convention

    I did get sent to me the schedule of the Demoratic Convention: Democratic Convention Schedule Monday, July 25, 2016 11:15 AM Free lunch, #$%$, and bus ride to the Convention Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment. 1:30 PM Group Voter Registration for Illegal Immigrants. 3:15...
  12. Crab Pot

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    Here it is:
  13. Crab Pot

    Trump Nailed it!!!

    Where's the adults? It's more than evident from reading these posts as to who is well informed and who is not. The best you have is calling other people vulgar names, that really doesn't make you sound intelligent. Anything to distract from the facts and truth. You have somebody here giving you...
  14. Crab Pot

    Are Clinton supporters aware that Wallstreet might be running the show?

    That's what you think. If the DNC's computers were hack you can count on that Hillary's unsecured servers were hacked.
  15. Crab Pot

    Are Clinton supporters aware that Wallstreet might be running the show?

    It's not only Wallstreet, there have been hundreds of millions of dollars going to either Hillary or her foundation, a good chunk from dictators or foreign governments who don't exactly have our interests in hand and I'm sure are expecting something in return. There's also the email thing, we...
  16. Crab Pot

    Midweek Song Review

    I had a good experience ordering Platinum Delights recently. Only took six days to get to me, here in the PNW. Lewis I feel for you man! A lot of growers are screwing up the germination process and it's almost always your fault lol. It would drive me crazy! Paper towels and all kinds of crap...
  17. Crab Pot

    bodhi seeds

    I think your right, its not really fair to Bodhi to ask for replacements unless your sure there's a problem with the beans. Bodhi Seeds doesn't sent out bad beans from my experience.
  18. Crab Pot

    bodhi seeds

    Another guy working his compost pile, told you it was fun :bigjoint:
  19. Crab Pot

    bodhi seeds

    You summed it up perfectly Sto!