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  1. F

    Bugs in late flower

    Works for spidermites also and will dissipate over a short period of time. Do it when light first turn on and it will have time to dry fast enough.. A little goes a long way. Rosemary alone should work but the mix is sure to work and work for most undesired insect.. Diatomicious earth is good...
  2. F

    Bugs in late flower

    In a small spray bottle, pour equal amounts of rosemary oil, clove oil, peppermint oil and thyme essential oil. Fill the rest of the bottle with water and shake well. Thoroughly spray an entire plant that's infested with aphids. The active compounds within these essential oils kill adult aphids...
  3. F

    Bugs in late flower

    Aphids buddy..
  4. F

    Heavy watering every 3-4 weeks?

    I would do a full watering everyone in a while. I've seen many student friends an colegue water the plants and some partial watering dose the trick sometime. But more often you see an imbalance of water feeding arout the root. (some area might remain dry for long time while other side might be...
  5. F

    Confused on topping

    I use hps. I put two to three flowering cycle for same plants. The older catches to thr light and new ones get put in the middle so i have a diffrent in height. So the eldest gace more intesity afer one month. And tge new ones work theire way to intesity. If i had only one cycle i would lower...
  6. F

    Confused on topping

    Don't forget that when you filp em to flower ther will keep expanding and elongate. Almost double in height so train you pkant to a limit height and to the width of you grow space don't count the day calculate the size..
  7. F

    Fabric pot vs Plastic vs ??? Sizes?

    You'll have to hurt then or they might hurt them self later even if you transplant. Il all depends on how badly ut is root bound.. If its just a little you can shake the roots out. If they are really bad that you only see root. I would suggest using a brand new razor blade and cut along side...
  8. F

    Trimming, Training, Fertilizing

    You could always train you plant and toping them this will make em grow wider. It all depends on what you want from them.. Check video on chiropractice. Kyle kushman has a great video. Been using this technic along with knucling its a better lokking tecnic then elbowing which i find make plant...
  9. F

    Strange growth and colouring

    If you have hermies... Its in the genes. So many factors can result in making them turn. See. My and one of my buddy had a debate a while back about hermies.. And we came to the conclusion. That certain variatal can have hermis showing realy early and easily while other my take more stress. Not...
  10. F

    Autoflower VS Non Autoflower Yields

    In a 4x4 if you spread the canopy to match the foot print within a foot thick of canopy and the help of some training technic to spread conopy evently and the minimum 600w power of hps you will get 1lbs + with 1 315 cmh yould be right around that pound more ir less will depend on how you train...
  11. F

    Need some help with my seedlings

    We all do
  12. F

    Strange growth and colouring

    Well to look at all this. Not much is wrong other then yiu went all out on nuts stocking. For your watering.... Every one says back off.. I suggest a few mist on surface. Since only the surface tend to dryout from heat and such.. Humidity around leaf could be just a little higher then...
  13. F

    Need some help with my seedlings

    There is always something new to learn even for advance grower... Always a new trick a new tech... And looking back at thing you think you already know often show you small detail you missed... I judt bought my mom a mars hydro. Since i've got experience and went to school for this. I've always...
  14. F

    Need some help with my seedlings

    Cfl uses a good spectrum and are great for seedling. I used about a week then i put under with my veg light quite high and lower it within a week (i cannot dimm) and i let my pkant grow to a certain height. Were my hand tell me its a goid feel (if i were to put a heat sensor it would read...
  15. F

    Need some help with my seedlings

    For your futur reference never follow someone or some company technical advise if you don't have the exact same set up chance are something will go wrong... For future reference start far and lower light slowly ti you have it your sweet spot. The same light distance with a fan blowing cool air...
  16. F

    Is that pale color ok? What can I improve, they are the mothers

    Not adding extra ferts to see what happens within the next few days since you've already dose calmag. So evaluate from this. Otherwise if you start playing with to much parameter at once you wont knowvwhat was the probleme.. Is school we were thought to wait atleast 3 days between intervention...
  17. F


    On first picture he is showing that where the male questioning comes in..
  18. F


    See the thing is that he is saying is plant are in vegetation and they are showing sex. And abviously male shows sign of sexing before female. And he is not sure about one. And the one he is not sure abojt is showing a flower pod on a stem. So lot is pushing toward a male. But their is still the...
  19. F


    I'm starting a breeding program and that's exactly how my male begun showing sign of flower. Give it a few days flowering and the nuts will just start popping in clusters
  20. F


    My first grow was in 1995