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  1. SidV

    No pollen in my sacs

    Make sure to keep spraying or you could still end up with nothing in those sacks. Gl. Fun stuff ahead for you.
  2. SidV

    Whats Wrong With My Plants??? [URGENT]

    How long have your lights been on before that pic? Looks to me like over watering l. (Leaves hanging like there over watered/under watered). Over watering mg soil also releases nutrients into the soil that are not being used up but instead stacking in your soil. Mg soil is ok as long as you...
  3. SidV

    Extreme weather grows

    Every day since summer started. I live WAY out in the middle of no where lol. I have sage only for miles and miles. The only thing out here to provide shade or reduce wind is... Sage. Lol. Last year I said I'm gonna move so I don't deal with all the sand/clay filled wind. Well I got rid of the...
  4. SidV

    what's wrong with my plants?

    BTW just curious what planets you own. There all either too close to the sun or too far. Need to bring them to Earth's distance from the sun for good planetary growth.
  5. SidV

    Extreme weather grows

    Anyone els growing in an extreme environment? Curious what other extreme environments others grow in. Environment here is Desert. 105+f daily temps 60+mph winds Nightime dips into 30's.
  6. SidV

    what's wrong with my plants?

    I'm not trying to be rude but why would you go an even harder route when you haven't figured out a natural route? The leaves are small and you have gigantic stretch for seedling. Looks as if it just has enough light to survive and not flourish. Stop trying so hard. Ever heard the phrase less is...
  7. SidV

    topping during flowering

    You can top, I could care less it's not me that will be doing another grow because I didn't produce.
  8. SidV

    This year's grow

    The gorilla girls are getting pretty big, almost 5ft tall and have yet to stretch :/
  9. SidV

    This year's grow

  10. SidV

    topping during flowering

    Topping during flowering will leave you with well pretty much the same thing below the cut as you would of had without topping. During flower the plant is pretty much locked in. Anyone who suggests you top during flower don't want to be the only ones who jacked all there hard work. There is not...
  11. SidV

    Container or straighten the ground?

    Right to the rim. I actually like to have an almost bowl impression then the top of the pot level with the dirt at the bottom of the bowl. This way when I water I can fill the planter top and the dip around the planter. But I live in an extreme area with 105+f temps and lots of 60mph winds. It...
  12. SidV

    Will rain wash away nutrients from two months ago?

    Better be careful 2 months is a lot of time for bugs to take up home in that dirt
  13. SidV

    A little help for a first timer

    Get a Jewelers loop Don't go by hair color you'll end up with sub par smoke. No sense in wasting 10 weeks.
  14. SidV

    Do my Fast Bud Auto's Need CalMag or not?

    Turbo50 is that Rhubarb in your garden. If so I officially hate you :p jk. Would love to see what other goodies your growing. :)
  15. SidV

    This year's grow

    Thanks Bam0813, ya def coyote country out here. Well mt lion too lol. :/
  16. SidV

    General Warning public service announcement.

    Thread has been moved. Sorry for what happened to you.
  17. SidV

    This year's grow

    Some CC. Any day now......
  18. SidV

    Seedling stopped growing

    Hope you know I wasn't trying to hijack your thread or start anything. I would definitely say explore other grow mediums but until you get the hang of them go dirt. Dirt is by far one of the more forgiving mediums. You def can get amazing results with other mediums like Coco but until you know...
  19. SidV

    Seedling stopped growing

    To each his own but the cotyledons provide food for the first few sets of true leaves. Before the first 3-4 sets of true leaves your pretty much just pouring your nutes down the drain. If your here and know what your doing then yes, go ahead and feed away as youve probably done it long enough...
  20. SidV

    Seedling stopped growing

    He's already stated he's barely using Coco.