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  1. Zoonotic6988

    Need sum Help!!!!! 5 week old plant looks like dis

    Can you take a normal pic with the silly LED lights off?? How many times have you cut into your plant?? Super hard to tell from the purple pictures but looks like nute starting to lock out and Probst nitrogen toxicity. Can you take some real pictures?
  2. Zoonotic6988

    3 silver haze

    Looking good man! You need to keep the net the entire time They will actually try to straightin back out and reach up. Also it helps support them once they pack on weight. I been defoling for years at random times and never really had a problem.
  3. Zoonotic6988

    Seed bank Canada

    Bump for info
  4. Zoonotic6988

    Pacific light concepts

    Lol the guy offered to help you over and over and all you do is keep saying they sent you out damaged units?? As someone in fabrication that deals with shipping I can 100 percent confirm stuff can be damaged durring shipping without showing damage to the box. Especially when using hard dense...
  5. Zoonotic6988

    How do you clean your COBs, Strips, Boards, etc?

    Toothpaste is to "polish" out the scratches that cause reading errors. Ive always used isopropyl. :)
  6. Zoonotic6988

    New Mars Hydro TSL2000 run

    Just came to enjoy some greengene posts :twisted:bongsmilie
  7. Zoonotic6988

    How do you clean your COBs, Strips, Boards, etc?

    Like cleaning a CD bud ;):lol::lol:
  8. Zoonotic6988

    Compound HQ's Grows

    Amazing work brother!! You da man!
  9. Zoonotic6988

    4x1000watt DE or SE for 8x16 tent?

    I find DE are to powerful for tent even with lots of ventilation. They make some nice hot spots. I always run closed loop air cooled hoods SE 1000s in tents. I currently run staggarded 4x8 tents @ 2wk per tent this way.
  10. Zoonotic6988

    New perpetual grow room setup advice and opinions needed...

    I run all my tents in one room. I hang white and black poly around each one leaving about a foot all around so air can flow. Different tents on different flower schedules and I'm in there alot with lights on. Has been working out for many years now :)
  11. Zoonotic6988

    Please tell me what is wrong?

    Definitely need more information on your grow & more pictures if you can.
  12. Zoonotic6988

    Area 51 seeds bank

    In for info.
  13. Zoonotic6988

    Club soda - done to death but read on

    I would think you'd need to use alot to bring down the PH on big batch of water.. how much water we talking ?
  14. Zoonotic6988

    Day 72..Flower...Fat

    Thiiccccc :twisted::joint::joint::blsmoke:
  15. Zoonotic6988

    First Grow, what am i looking at? Is this a Hermie? :(

    Needs more pics. Look like female swollen caylx.
  16. Zoonotic6988

    Pure rooting hormones: IAA, IBA, NAA

    ^^^ Also I should add I root about 80-400 cuts a month depending.
  17. Zoonotic6988

    Pure rooting hormones: IAA, IBA, NAA

    I use IBA only. 10-30 second soak, directly into moist peat pellets. 6-10 days roots on every strain 100% success rate. Been doing this combo for over 7 years now. Have done every other in the past and found this the cleanest, fastest, & most successful across all strains.
  18. Zoonotic6988

    DJ Shorts Blueberry Pheno

    Just some random shots before lights on in this tent.. a pheno I been keeping around for years I found in some DJ Shorts Blueberry seeds.. Super blueberry smell and taste.. bout 30 or so clone to flower about 4.5 weeks in. The ones beside went in 6 days ago. I run perpetual in multiple tents...
  19. Zoonotic6988

    Is this typical Sativa? Buds with top leaves and sparse calyces?

    Totally re veg. Glad you found the problem. She's going to flower out big once you go back to 12/12.
  20. Zoonotic6988

    Need really fast help with my temp/light problem

    Way to hot. Pull off the carbon filter for now it'llet more air out. Invest in air cooled hoods, it's all I run :)