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  1. W

    Beginner needs help

    Any idea what this is?
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    Leaf Burns with Neem Oil

    I’m using at 5ml per liter no problem
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    Indoor trying to be fully organic all iv got at the moment it biobizz products
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    Thrips recovery

    Iv recently used neem oil on my plants and I think iv killed off most of my thrips but they did a lot of damage before I could kill them are their any nutrients like calmag or something that would be good to help with recovery
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    Do you give nutes every watering pal
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    Organic yields??

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    Organic yields??

    Gaia green is very expensive over U.K.
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    Organic yields??

    So would you say use algamic
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    Organic yields??

    I’ll try it that info
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    Organic yields??

    Iv repotted into light mix can you help me with my water quality don’t know if this is good or bad haha
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    Beginner needs help

    Thanks for the help I’ll defo be buying some
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    Beginner needs help

    Can you suggest any other organic pest killers
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    Beginner needs help

    I have been giving a neem oil spray but it’s not having much effect atm I’m giving a weak dose as my first try was too strong and fried my leaves
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    Organic yields??

    I was just gunna stick with root juice calmag grow and bloom
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    Organic yields??

    I’m trying to use just biobizz products and soil do you know if their any good?
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    Extreme root bound example

    Yeh I don’t like to waste my stalk and scraps so I make wax
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    Extreme root bound example

    Iv been smoking it for about 15years now mate I quit for 2-3months to get my tolerance down but after 1 month I’m back to smoke 1-2 gram a day
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    Extreme root bound example

    Ano what ya mean mate every few month I do quit for a few weeks but my tolerance just shoots back up dosent help when I smoke extract aswell
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    Extreme root bound example

    While iv got people replying any idea what this is
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    Extreme root bound example

    I get what your saying I’m using 12liter pots but I’m trying to save money I smoke about 5gram a day so I want to try and get as much as I can out of my space