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  1. cylee89

    250w HPS Your Yield??

    Sigh.. Maybe I should have gone with the 400w.. too late now. I got my 250w hps 2 weeks ago and i'm hoping for a decent yield :leaf:
  2. cylee89

    Male or female Please help asap!

    I've never seen that clear a representation of male flowers :leaf:
  3. cylee89

    little nobs are forming at the nodes .,is this?

    Pics would help. :leaf:
  4. cylee89

    here they are still need tips

    Haha that looks lik 100% indica or something! Fat ass leaves. Anyways bring the light closer to your plants to prevent stretching! :leaf:
  5. cylee89

    WTF is this!!??

    The pics are pretty bad but those are just minor things in my opinion.. Let us know if it gets worse. :leaf:
  6. cylee89

    1 week

    Good growth for just a week! :leaf:
  7. cylee89

    burned some fan leaves what should i do with them??

    If you remove the entire fan leaf, the plant still has to repair the snipped region. I would rather have the photosynthetic capability after repair. :leaf:
  8. cylee89

    can i get tips on these

    where? lol
  9. cylee89

    burned some fan leaves what should i do with them??

    Leave it.. And try to simply crumble the burnt parts off and not snip them off next time it happens. The green parts of the leaves are still viable so I would not advise cutting down the entire fan leaf. :leaf:
  10. cylee89

    First grow journal cannalope and ?

    Those are some BIG ASS FAN LEAVES haha Lovin your grow keep it up! :leaf:
  11. cylee89

    Cloning a plant in flower

    Of course you can do it :leaf:
  12. cylee89

    6 weeks 12/12 wtf??

    Definitely :leaf:
  13. cylee89

    Flowering Nutrients

    Yes I am growing in soil. I'll try the molasses out tonight. Does it say that it is unsulfured? Or can i just assume that it isn't? I'll go to my shop and see if they have the jacks classic bloom+dyna grow. THanks for the tips!
  14. cylee89

    Is my plant going hermie? (Macro image)

    can't really tell from this pic..
  15. cylee89

    Flowering Nutrients

    Hi guys, My plant is around 3 weeks into flowering and I'm wondering whether I should use more additives in my nutrient mix or not. Right now, I'm on schedule with the foxfarm feeding schedule. I have all three Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom in my feeding mix. What are some...
  16. cylee89

    co2 concerns and if needed PLZ advise

    co2 is optional but will definitely help boost growth just don't use it in the last 2 weeks of flower. :leaf:
  17. cylee89

    light question?!

    Do you have a picture? or a link? :leaf:
  18. cylee89

    cylee's First CFL Afghan Kush from Seed!

    Thanks! The budding has begun. I'll post some pics tonight :leaf:
  19. cylee89

    Stuck on Flowering stage!!!

    Lol you need to do more studying my friend.. :leaf:
  20. cylee89

    Stuck on Flowering stage!!!

    It wants food.. especially nitrogen. Go to your local garden shop and get some fertilizer :leaf: