To little, I'm pretty sure its iron or sulfur.
Its a immobile deficiency, it affects the top of the plant of newer growth
Nitrogen is mobile, it starts at the bottom of the plant on fan leaves and works its way up
If you want to see some funny ass shit, challenge someone's opinion. People go ape shit in those threads and 9/10 they begin insulting you, and every other word is TRUMP this TRUMP that LOL
Anyways I don't really go in there anymore, I'm locked out of multiple threads for being on the opposite...
check the plant thoroughly for any nanners, balls whatever u want to call.
Pluck it and let her keep going, keep a close eye on her and check over her every day for a week.
Archive seedbank has it, well SD Catpiss, which is possibly the same thing. I always thought the SD catpiss was SSH.
wish i could get my hands on the same shit that was floating around the bay area. It just kind of vanished
Sha Bud 707 Seedbank. Not sure he would give out a cut but its worth a shot. Unless you want to phenohunt from his heirloom seeds. I have a half a pack going i started a couple weeks ago