If you are worried about the main stem becoming week then you should be running a small fan to circulate air around it... this will promote stem strength so they don't wilt over and break
I was checking a new site last night... Grizzly... out of the UK. But I got to the part to input my credit card info and decided not to lol. Im gonna research more first.
Doesn't matter... do your reading. Your light is waaaay to close to the plant. Maybe you have CFL's instead of LED? LED will burn the shit out of your leaves if its that close
seedlings and clones are delicate at a young age... a better approach would be to raise your light depending what you use. This will ensure you aren't drying out your soil too quickly and it will prevent burning the tops of your plants leaves
didn't you also say you're LED was 4 inches from the canopy? How powerful are your lights? I would raise your light to 36" - 48' away from the top of the seedling
Are you sure you have perlite in your soil? Because I don't see any! If there is then theres not enough... i suggest a better soil or coco mix.
Also when watering try to water around the outside of the pots. To encourage root growth.
It looks overwatered but the seedling looks fine. Def add...
I'm not sure its necessarily a Landrace as a landrace strain is one that hasn't been crossed and grows in its natural environment. However... not impossible. Where are you located if I may ask?
Many flowering issues related to deficiency during flower usually has to do with pH being out of alignment...
What do you use to feed?
How often do you feed/water?
What is your pH?
Have you been supplementing CalMag into your grow?
I did not read that... maybe that model specifically but I guess up until just January of this year is when prices started to drop making them more available to the hobbyist grower. But Gavita has other models
Right now I'm only running a 39x39x72
Right now I'm only working a 39x39x72 tent but I was just reading that they do well in 48x48 because of the heat they emit depending on the model