Search results

  1. feva

    TGA By Others

    looks deeelicious tcurtis. oh and congrats heard u was doin some photos for a book. ur pics are always awesome
  2. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    thx maine , i thank u very much for those votes.
  3. feva

    Help Me Out My Fellow Michiganders

    good call man sorry. i thank u all for the votes plz keep it up till the end of the month
  4. feva

    No info on the dna connie chung!

    its been awhile but when i smoked it, was awesome so stoned. nice nugs be ready to sit down. hits hard people gonna think u sleepin ur eyes are gonna feel it.
  5. feva

    Hydroponics Question

    u can set it in to any meduium u want
  6. feva

    Help Me Out My Fellow Michiganders

    a lil bump to get some votes goin this morn
  7. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    i couldnt agree more fdd. mornin bump to get some votes rollin
  8. feva

    Need help, yellowing leaves, curling, small white bugs!!!!

    go to your local garden store and tell them about the bug they will put u in the right direction on what to get to rid the bugs
  9. feva

    Need help, yellowing leaves, curling, small white bugs!!!!

    slam those cfls closer, stop watering every day wait till they are getting dry and give them no nutes yet. update us in a week
  10. feva

    TGA By Others

    i have a feeling these plants are gonna be amazing.
  11. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    hahaha thx maine on a good note i got a email from weedmaps saying they will look into any possible frauds and peeps will be dqued if it turns out they are cheating somehow. so i still have a chance lets keep those votes goin
  12. feva

    Help Me Out My Fellow Michiganders

    thx guys lets keep it up got a email sayin they are goin to dq anyone who may be cheating so i might have a chance. if they are indeed using some ip changer or something.
  13. feva

    Help Me Out My Fellow Michiganders

    yo i could really use the help yall plz vote for me every 24 hours form last vote once again im sorry for the constant bumps but dude in first is gettin crazy mad votes i need to catch up
  14. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    pls help me out rollies
  15. feva

    Help Me Out My Fellow Michiganders

    just a lil late night bump for u nite owls plz help me out
  16. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    bump....... man those 2 in first have a lot of frineds plz help me out riu
  17. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    just a lil bump i got some ace of spades seeds and id loove them to be the first crop out of this box.
  18. feva

    Help Me Out My Fellow Michiganders

    thx longroot i apreciate the help tell ur friends family everyone to vote every 24 hours from your last vote.
  19. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    thank u again db and maine plz every 24 hours form ur last vote i might be able to make a run at first he has to slow down sometime lol
  20. feva

    Looking for a lil Help from my riu peeps - we Need your Notes!!

    sorry for all the bumps guys im just tryin to win it seems the guy in first is just rackin up the votes. so steady hmmmm seems fishy lol plz help me out folks