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  1. feva

    Kannabia seeds

    i grew out the lablanca and it was by far the best strain i have grown. im very disappointed i let that one go. it is on my list to get again. and when i do it will go nowhere ever again. lol it is totally covered in trichs. and the stink is out this world. forget about going anywhere with any...
  2. feva

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    does any of the clubs carry any of the new strains?or no
  3. feva

    Keep in your trunk or get arrested

    just like a xmas tree lol a stinky sticky xmas tree.
  4. feva

    Michigan Poasts Pictures and Talks Shit Too.

    yeah seems like it may get a bit hot. but who knows. throw a plant under it and lets see what happens. then we will see if its worth it or not lol
  5. feva

    Keep in your trunk or get arrested

    no im pretty sure you still can as long as its under 2 and a half. oz. lol
  6. feva

    Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

    nope its still alive here. i just dont have a cam. i got one at 6 weeks flower today i think. and a few in the veg tent. if i can remember to bug my buddy he may remember his cam next time he comes by. see if i cant get something up.
  7. feva

    Long's Peak Blue Grow Journal

    im gonna follow along on this also. i got a couple LPB in veg also.
  8. feva

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    that is the fuckin shit. how many seeds are in there and is it one of each strain or a few of each. i always wanted a piece with a lil bud blown in it. one day maybe lol
  9. feva

    Trichy's Medical Garden

    damn bro sux about the mites. hopefully you caught it earlier enough. those are some tough bastards to beat. good luck
  10. feva

    Rare dankness/rd genetics

    nice glad ive been looking at cams myself, good luck with the new toy
  11. feva

    TGA By Others

    prob same one i got. lol i got 4 of those coming down soon then another 5 in about 7 weeks. then im done with it. just want to try something new. i got a couple ace of spades in the veg tent.
  12. feva

    Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

    we got similar tastes cause i like it too. lol
  13. feva

    ona gel

    its more like a air freshner. but it does nuetralize odors and destroys them somehow by natrual bonding with odor molecules and evaporating.
  14. feva

    ona gel

    not sure how long the bucket lasts. i just use the small ones and place a lil bit here in there in votive candle holders.
  15. feva

    ona gel

    no use them both
  16. feva

    How cold can my plants get?

    damn bro that sux. i hope they get that furnace goin for ya quickly, im sure the plants will pull through.
  17. feva

    TGA By Others

    kaboom--- got about 3 weeks left
  18. feva

    Fat Purple - Grow On! Thread.

    ok 2 things 1st better pic. 2nd. what is the genetics behind the fat purples again? i had some people ask me and i dont really remember and i didnt see anything in the first few pages i dont remeber where i seen it before .lol
  19. feva

    Rare Dankness Test thread ~ Vale' Vale'. (Green Crack x Nevil's Wreck)

    well i would be glad to smoke all of them and help u decide lol
  20. feva

    Rare Dankness Test thread ~ Vale' Vale'. (Green Crack x Nevil's Wreck)

    very nice. puttin on the weight and the frost. so do u have a guess on which one will be the keeper?