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  1. A

    Help me i am beginner

    A waste of time and electricity
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    3 (15 gallon fabric pots)

    That's kinda extremely big for a 5x5 space, how high is it? I would recommend 7 to 10 gallon
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    Should i transplant

    I would leave them a bit longer but I'm far from a opinion start in one and finish in another transplanting more is not necessary
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    Do these look ok

    Would that cause the purple stems ?? They were really root bound before transplanting I think caused the purple
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    Do these look ok

    Thanks for the info , don't think I broke any branches but definitely bent it way down. How old is the plant in your pic
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    Do these look ok

    Your just here to act like a asshole , couldn't even bother giving a fellow grower some advice just here to run your mouth
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    Do these look ok

    How did you get I can read a calendar out of that ..??? Had nothing to do with a calendar
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    Do these look ok

    Hahaha probably
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    Do these look ok

    Hahaha yup need it down to the minute for officer Bob..I'm not a weed scientist what's a few days off
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    Do these look ok

    How are they that amazing 6-8inches talll
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    Do these look ok

    Thanks for the info... Yeah the Bob builder comments on EVERYTHING very ignorant.
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    Do these look ok

    I only asked for some friendly advice Bobthe420builder not sure why you want to argue with people..and yes it's 3 weeks we'll 23 days to be precise EXCUSE ME
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    Do these look ok

    They are 3 weeks at the most I believe, do they look ok first time seeing round swollen part like that
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    Do these look ok

    They are wet , I mist them with RO water every evening.
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    Do these look ok

    Do they look ok for about 2.5 weeks old , the round swollen part have me a bit concerned..I believe the purple stems are from root bound before I took them out of the solo cup
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    Manifold training advice.

    Only on the 3rd id consider it small and young. Nothing wrong with topping on the 3-4 node but I'm confused why you would defoliate
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    Manifold training advice.

    Why would you defoliate a plant that young and small the leaves are the life of the plant
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    Plant in 2nd week preflower or full flower leaves getting crispy!!

    Looks like it was under watered or got way too hot
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    White Rhino. Week 6 flower, in soil. HELP

    Might be a deficiency of some sort but still looking real good. Keep a eye on it if it doesn't get any worse your fine.
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    Male after 2 weeks veg?

    Chop it down before it destroys the rest of them.