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    cloning the same main top over and over again. and SUPER VEG STYLE best grow style ever.

    yeah man i always wanted to grow the dj short BB cant wait to do it for myself and use this fast turn over style, and make tons of hash!!
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    cloning the same main top over and over again. and SUPER VEG STYLE best grow style ever.

    so recently discover this style where you take the main top from your small seeding and clone it at around 2-3 weeks from seed.(my buddies was at day 12) i now have 3 plants from the same seed within 6 weeks veg, and its ready to be cloned again today. so every 20 days we have a new plant ready...
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    Generational clones

    i been cloning the very top and main branch. iv cloned 3 times going on a forth in less that 6 weeks. and each one grows like a seedling(i think is better and more symetrical) same exact top cloned every 20 days or so. and im doing a super veg on them, my own style. topping for the clone and...
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    Almost 6 weeks Veg only 5 inches tall, very little foliage.

    thats o not true just make hash with the extra it ages like fine wine. and it really fun to make too
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    Who has the best GMO seeds

    i just started a gmo bad seed, she is in veg and reeks of the gmo she came from.
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    Would I notice a major difference?

    i picked up 3 hey are amazing for the price, or just in general amazing bright full spec lights
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    are you ussing it, i have 2 4400 and they seem amazing so far. so bright though have to make sure they are turned down almost al the way, untill flower they are so bright