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  1. TessaMaria

    What to do here??! Def / Tox ???!

    Thats good because it means you still have time to correct it :peace: :weed: :)
  2. TessaMaria

    What to do here??! Def / Tox ???!

    I also trimmed off all the discoloring in the flower because it started to get bud rot in those areas. If it happened again to me, I would cut the individual flowers that had the discoloring to try and prevent bud rot. As I recall it took about a week for the spotting and discoloring to stop...
  3. TessaMaria

    What to do here??! Def / Tox ???!

    I definitely would NOT remove all the damaged leaves, its too many to take off at once and there wont be many healthy leaves left to do what they are supposed to, how many weeks do you have left?
  4. TessaMaria

    What to do here??! Def / Tox ???!

    I had an issue like this when I was watering with RO water alone straight out of the bottle. I was not PH’ng the water or adding calcium and magnesium. I started adding a supplement with both calcium and magnesium and PH’ng the water to 6.5. The problem stopped spreading and the leaves...
  5. TessaMaria

    New Growth Lime Green!!

    Maybe you have to have a certain amount of posts before they show up? Are you growing in Soil?
  6. TessaMaria

    NL auto have questions!

    Good Job!!! :) :weed: :peace:
  7. TessaMaria

    Is this stage of flowering ok for outdoor right now?

    Great! Thank you guys very much for the advice!!! I am going to feed some nitrogen today!! :D :peace: :)
  8. TessaMaria

    Is this stage of flowering ok for outdoor right now?

    Two Photoperiod plants, 17-gallon pots outdoor, organic soil with organic nutrients. I live in central coast California where outdoor plants usually finish flowering around Octoberish. The daylight hours are shortening little by little but these are flowering and I wonder if I should do...
  9. TessaMaria

    Help with clones

    It looks like a knot that forms when you bend the stem. Its like a scar from damage that healed. :weed: :peace: :D
  10. TessaMaria

    Black diamond starting to flower only about 2 feet tall

    Can you post a picture of the plants ?
  11. TessaMaria

    Black diamond starting to flower only about 2 feet tall

    I always like to let my plants do their thing and grow through the stages, are you worried about something specific? Is it too short or tall? How about if you provide as many background and current details like type of soil, pot, in ground, etc and maybe people will chime in with advice that...
  12. TessaMaria

    When to harvest CBD strains.

    Yes they seem to look just like my THC flowers...I love this plant its so beautiful!!! But when I harvest my cannabis for THC I am looking at trichomes and trying to get the most THC out of that, but I am confused about the CBD plant because I am trying to minimize the THC on this so I am just...
  13. TessaMaria

    When to harvest CBD strains.

    Hello! I have a question about CBD strains of cannabis. When is the best harvest time for these plants? I have a Red Pure CBD auto and I dont know when to harvest. I think she has a couple more weeks but How do I tell that it is time to harvest? Thank you so much!!!
  14. TessaMaria

    Looks like a male

    Too hard to see in those pictures. Try getting a picture in focus as close up as you can in normal lighting. How old is the plant?:D:D
  15. TessaMaria

    This a dude

    I zoomed in again and it could just be new growth it looks very young to tell of is a boy already. Please Post new better pictures in normal lighting:):peace:
  16. TessaMaria

    This a dude

    When I zoomed in on first picture it looks like a boy, second picture too blurry. Maybe post another picture in normal lighting(not purple) and other people can chime in :) :peace:
  17. TessaMaria

    Too much S in LST

    I have read about people doing this on purpose To autos and it working out great. I am sure that they have the environment dialed in perfectly. I love each of my plants and have a really hard time giving up on any of them! If it was my plant I would wait things out and see what happens. At...
  18. TessaMaria

    Beneficial Nematodes and spinosad

    Hello! Has anyone used beneficial nematodes and spinosad together? I mean a soil drench of the beneficial nematodes mixture and foliar spray of spinosad. I have been misting with spinosad mixture every week but there are these little whiteish clearish leaf hopper looking bugs that i am...
  19. TessaMaria

    How can I take care of this ...

    What seems to be the problem? They look great to me! I don’t take any fan leaves off, I let them fall off on their own. (: :peace:
  20. TessaMaria

    Is this early flower?

    Thank you! Yes, it happened to me a couple years ago too, I didn’t know but I learned about re-vegging that’s why I am worried! I am definitely going to keep doing light deprivation on the third plant because I don’t want it to re-veg. Last time I remember I had to cut a bunch off and ended...