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  1. Agracan

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    Our app has been with them since August. Passed securtity and all of that great stuff, now waiting for...well I really don't know what we're waiting for. I'm always reluctant to bug them too much in worry that our file will slip off a table for a while. Anyhow, wondering where you got the 30...
  2. Agracan

    MMPR producer Ontario

    Thanks guys. R.Raider, thanks for the heads up. I got my flak jacket on :P
  3. Agracan

    MMPR producer Ontario

    Hi guys, We're nearly 9 months into the application process with HC. Yes, it can take that long...surprise surprise. Anyhow, that's my sob story lol. Look forward to becoming part of this community. Cheers, J