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  1. rollinbud

    question for the experts

    Maybe you can post a list of ingredients so we can see whats so special..... Yeah you sure got the fever aint ya..... Ill wait for the ingredient list.... I thought CalMag was something Vegetarians took. I found CalmAg ingredients, no magic here: Guaranteed...
  2. rollinbud

    hi need help i think my plant is under attack!!!
  3. rollinbud

    question for the experts

    Nothing wrong with Epsom salt, unless you overuse it. Here's a clue or 2 for the clueless: I usually put a little out at the rate of about 1/2 tsp. to gal of water maybe once or twice in a...
  4. rollinbud

    light wiring problem

    Most 120w equiv. cfl I see are 30 watts, about 1900 lumens output. Your picture looks like 6 bulbs. You might could veg. with just 3 but I'd rather have more and definitely more for flower. I'd get some pie plates for reflectors, I always punch holes to let heat on through.
  5. rollinbud

    Should i add another cfl?

    if you are talking about these bulbs from your link: ffCf0EMTMg%3D%3D The math would be 23w/ 240v or...
  6. rollinbud

    3rd Week into Veg, Lime Green on Top. PICS

    I dont see anything, where is the lime green? In the center where the new growth is? Looks normal 2 me
  7. rollinbud

    question for the experts

    If you are misting them with nutes in the solution or are drenching the whole plant foliar feeding you need to stop. Just water the soil. Maybe you should stop the nutes for a week or so to see what happens. I generally give my plants a little "Epsom Salts" (magnesium Sulfate) at the rate of 1...
  8. rollinbud

    Fem Seeds or reg seed or auto seed which is better

    Def. buy Fem seeds instead of reg. I dont know about Autoflower.
  9. rollinbud

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    I wasn't talking about HID, whole different ball game...
  10. rollinbud

    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Excuse me, I really do understand all the excitement here, but I have yet to see a compelling reason to spend $200 on 8 bulbs or more to produce 1-2 ounces per plant. Does anyone have a comparison of all this exotic stuff to regular T5's or the cursed HPS/HID? Just curious, I want a compelling...
  11. rollinbud

    Gummy droplet secretions on the edge of leaves

    Maybe Aphids or something else?
  12. rollinbud

    Help setting up ventilation system

    Where's your fresh air coming from? Its gonna get super hot in the attic in Summer, over 100. No using chimney air could blow back in house. What kind of ventilation does the attic have? Cant answer about the fan, you really need to find somebody that knows that stuff, preferrably with a HVAC...
  13. rollinbud

    Help setting up ventilation system

    Most attics already have ventilation, some newer builders have experimented with a sealed attic but you should be able to tell. I dont know where your located but it gets awfully hot in the summer in attics.
  14. rollinbud

    Mitt Romney could be going to Jail for 3 years

    Seriously, Is that the best you can do?... 0bama is fucking this country to death with spending and debt and your whining about $4 subs?
  15. rollinbud

    CFL grow box 97% completed :)

    I'm with ya man.
  16. rollinbud

    CFL grow box 97% completed :)

    Seriously, do you think it just sinks down and sits there with all that air moving from the exhaust fan?
  17. rollinbud

    Obama Care Explained

    "Obama Care Explained by Donald Trump" jedishon on Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:09 pm ... .Let me get this straight . . . ... We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without...
  18. rollinbud

    Is anyone Pro-War?

    Yes Nuke em all and let god sort it out.
  19. rollinbud

    Please tell me how to start my own grow

    Im sure your gonna get a lot of advice but I recommend keeping your fiorst grow cheap and simple... Dont go bu all the exotic crap you see people posting about... I recommend to start with feminized seed, its worth the extra... 4 out of 5 of my standard seed 1st. grow were males, good for...
  20. rollinbud

    Attitude paranoia is kicking in .

    It wont be "a few days", more like a week to 10 if your lucky.