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  1. purplekitty7772008

    Are you cool with pregnant women smoking bud

    I'm really sorry for hijacking this thread. I'll start a new one.
  2. purplekitty7772008

    Are you cool with pregnant women smoking bud

    Yupp. They train and indoctrinate us so we can grow up to be "good" slaves. They teach you to work for money in public school systems, not to make money work for you. Which is why most are in debt and can barely make it. Hell, I'm barely making it. No one taught me to make money work for me...
  3. purplekitty7772008

    Help solve a debate between a friend and I..

    really? What's your wife look like? Pics? LMAO! But no seriously, I asked by boyfriend is it weird that I thought about that and he just said "Well, it just means you need to express yourself." LMAO!
  4. purplekitty7772008

    Help solve a debate between a friend and I..

    I agree with you and I'm a chick. If you're not imagining a dude pumping his..... well, you get the idea! Then I don't think its gay.
  5. purplekitty7772008

    Help solve a debate between a friend and I..

    If I wanted to fuck a chick with a dildo, does that make me a lesbian or bisexual? LMAO! I'm a chick btw.
  6. purplekitty7772008

    The Biggest Douche in the Universe Contest!

    I'm the biggest douche of them all!!! Fuck yeah! :bigjoint: I voted no, and encouraged others to do the same.
  7. purplekitty7772008

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    LOL. I just type really fast. So I can type anything on my mind without being here for 40 minutes. Just wanted to share some thoughts. ;)
  8. purplekitty7772008

    Are you cool with pregnant women smoking bud

    Finally someone I can relate to. When I have kids, they won't be getting any vaccinations. AT ALL. They'll be home-schooled also. Don't need the public-fool system to turn my kids into non-critically thinking, placid zombies. Sorry that was off subject. Carry on, don't even reply. ;)
  9. purplekitty7772008

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    I just love how everyone who DOESN'T live in California is trying to tell us CALIFORNIANS what's best for us and how we should have voted. We voted no! And for good reason. This bill wasn't legalization; simply control, regulation, and taxation. Which is what the bill was named btw. "The...
  10. purplekitty7772008

    12/12 From Seed and 1st DWC Too !

    Beautiful root production Flo. Keep it up.
  11. purplekitty7772008

    12/12 From Seed and 1st DWC Too !

    Nice grow so far Flo. I'm chiming in. Thinking about going for my first DWC this next grow. Finally got our mother established and the tent dialed in.
  12. purplekitty7772008

    Do Not Talk to the Police

    You can be if the feds think you're a terrorist. Thank goodness for the Patriot Act! *sarcasm*
  13. purplekitty7772008

    Tell Me What You Think Of Barney's Farm..

    I wouldn't go for the Vanilla Kush. My big bro is real canna-seur, he grades bud pretty rough, and he said the Vanilla kush is BOO-boo! He didn't even want to buy my bud. Said it wasn't good enough. Damn.... lol. Then again, I will never mother a freebie seed again. Going to stick to the...
  14. purplekitty7772008

    twist up a spliff for my dad?

    I use it for pain, but not really for colds. When I'm sick, my asthma is way too bad to even think about smoking. Sucks.....
  15. purplekitty7772008


    Half my family has dreads. They tried to convert me, but I said hell no. I like combing my hair, and braiding it, and wearing bangs, or wearing it in a fro. I think they're cool, if you take care of them. My aunt had some lovely dreads, but cut them off maybe a year ago because the...
  16. purplekitty7772008

    How do you like your girls tittys?

    lol. Just because she had big tits doesn't mean she had to have the nipples to go along with it. I have flat nipps. lol. Not completely, but pretty darn flat. She could possibly have some trouble. I read about it. The baby would have to draw the nipple out to feed, some say it was very...
  17. purplekitty7772008


    I just ran out too. Damnit. If my last harvest wasn't so shitty, I'd be blazin a blunt every day.
  18. purplekitty7772008

    rollitup or grasscity..which one do YOU prefer?

    Me too brodie. Grasscity does have an awesome plant problems solutions thread though. I always seem to stumble across it anytime I have problems when I'm googling. But I've been on RIU for a while...I like it. I really liked the old layout though, blzn '07.
  19. purplekitty7772008

    Prop 19 and 58pounds a day is what you are voting for!

    If you don't agree with what I have to say, then say so. Don't resort to name calling.
  20. purplekitty7772008

    Prop 19 and 58pounds a day is what you are voting for!

    :clap: If you think about it, why are they saying it will be "legalized" when you can still go to jail for it? Think people, think. Its not truly legal if you can still be fined or imprisoned. Do you get fined for growing too many flowers in your front yard? Are they limiting...