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  1. Running with scissors

    Hi, I grew marijuana for the first time ever last winter because the "compassion Clinic" is too expensive to buy. I think I was successful.

    it was $170. My friend said it went up from there and it was only 20% THC. Gave up my card. I'll take the chance. 54 with Multiple Sclerosis. Don't really give a hoot.
  2. Running with scissors

    Hi, I grew marijuana for the first time ever last winter because the "compassion Clinic" is too expensive to buy. I think I was successful.

    Thanks all. It was a "CH" strain. Indica. Pretty Mello. I have trouble with marijuana giving me panic attacks so I have to be careful. I chopped it a couple of weeks after the picture. This was a late fall start. When I did, I got about 15oz which is way to much for me and my consumption...