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  1. Igotthe6

    Midweek Song Promotions

    Bitcoin,money transfer or cash. Seedsman and original sensible seeds still take visa mc. Also seed supreme. All delayed because black friday xmas. waiting on orders.
  2. Igotthe6

    Boy or girl can you tell yet?

    I don't know why the argument. It has preflowers. They just haven't opened to reveal those fuzzy white pistils yet. If it was male,you would see a tiny stick with a ball on the end.
  3. Igotthe6

    Oxygen tablets for DWC?

    Your looking for problems. the acid and the nutes react to copper.
  4. Igotthe6

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    there may be the problem. try mixing each separate,if you use micro,add first always dilute when adding. especially ph up and down. And yes maxi at full. use sonic week 5/6 @ 1/2 strength.I start lowering ppm on the maxi week 7/8.
  5. Igotthe6

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links
  6. Igotthe6

    Oxygen tablets for DWC?

    In dwc with chem. ferts. I use mammoth p. It's designed for hydro with chems.
  7. Igotthe6

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    I never used aero. The ppms sound way high to me. I run max of 750 in rdwc. Be careful of sonic bloome a little goes a long way. I use 1/2 strength.
  8. Igotthe6

    new 630 watt de square wave fixture.

    found a reasonable price ballast for it.
  9. Igotthe6

    Oxygen tablets for DWC?

    I wouldn't mess with it. 73 is not bad. doable with beneficial bacteria. You can always freeze bottles of water and add to the res.
  10. Igotthe6

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    read the label,plus should be listed.I use g.h.for now. Not for long though. Scotts/monsanto is evil incarnate. not all cal mag is the same. best is to adjust ppm to between 160-200 with the calmag. not even needed if your running tap or well water in most cases.
  11. Igotthe6

    Reverse Engineering everyone's nutrients

    1/2 teaspoon/gal .
  12. Igotthe6

    Computer grow game?

    I say base it off of the old hightimes game,Heads and Feds. It was like stoner monopoly. Would be a bit nostalgic.
  13. Igotthe6

    good undercurrent kits?

    Super Closet Bubble Flow Buckets 1/2 the price same basic setup.
  14. Igotthe6

    new 630 watt de square wave fixture.

    NEW Nanolux CMH630 Fixture (no lamp) 120 V / 240 V....
  15. Igotthe6

    Sorting out Males early while main-lining... flower/reveg method

    Most strains show sex by the 3rd or 4th node. Just letting them veg you can see the males,a little ball on the end of a stick,most females will show preflowers also. You may need mag glass to see. Untopped plants will show quicker also,you can always go down a few nodes to top after sexing.
  16. Igotthe6

    Iron deficiency or after effects from underwater?

    It looks underfed. You may have damaged a few roots if it wilted too bad. That could account for it.
  17. Igotthe6

    Are there any hands on teaching

    Yes there is. It's called books,forums google ect. hang around watch listen grow some bag seed. Make your mistakes on the cheap.
  18. Igotthe6

    new 630 watt de square wave fixture.

    I've been trying to order one from there for damn near a month. It tries to double charge me. I wrote them 8 emails. No response. I won't deal with them now out of principle. Shit customer service before the sell something,what do you get after?
  19. Igotthe6

    new 630 watt de square wave fixture.

    not sure it is de,it may be. still should be better than hps. Too damn hot in summer months,even here in ny.
  20. Igotthe6

    new 630 watt de square wave fixture.

    I really would love to try one. I'm not even sure anyone carries it yet. Complete 599 is msrp. here is a link