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  1. I

    Temperature Controller for nute. reservoir

    I'm not looking to heat water, just to be clear; I'm looking to COOL water Thanks for the suggestion SS1, I'll look into Ranco. I've also been told "sentinel" are good. And that grozone, CAP, ant some other one are all basically the same quality - which sucks because I'm this close to buying...
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    Temperature Controller for nute. reservoir

    Hey everyone. I'm wondering if anyone had suggestions for the best termperature controller for a nutrient reservoir (i.e.: for water) 1) I'd prefer a stainless steel temp. probe. 2) And I'd also prefer a temperature range that went lower than most; say 40-45F up to whatever. So like 40* to...
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    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    First of all - Thank you so much for this thread, Stink. I believe I found a link to it while looking for info. about the "maxi" line of nutrients. This quote from page 6 or 7 contains information about one of the things I really can't seemto completely wrap my head around. And that is: How...
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    Approx:8-20degree DYI Chiller

    Man, this was a great post.And you got such great results (considering the room was completely sealed with no ventilation), 25* drop - That's awesome.Thanks for the effort. I've been thinking of this for a long time, except only running lines through the fridge 'cause I didn't know how to go...
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    Hey everyone. Just introducing, and asking a very quick question. I've had a profile here for a pretty long time and never used it, even to lurk. I'm trying to post a pic or two, I've created 2 albums attempting to upload. But I see no "upload picture" button. I've searched the FAQ, I just...
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    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    Haha - yea, I'm understanding now. Sorry to just come in and start asking questions right off the bat, without introduction or anything guys. The way you explained about how when you fill the res (when all is empty) and it fills through the bottom of the grow buckets (the 'drains') -- makes...
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    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    Thank you for the (very) quick response. I'm still reading through, at page 14 now, so I just notice what I thought was rubber grommets at the bottom (the drains) of the grow buckets. I have a bunch of sizes of grommets, I'm just afraid a little to use them because I don't trust they'll be tight...
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    Dropa Dope My First Grow Journal 400 Watt RDWC 02/17/2010

    I was just wondering how you (dropastone) actually hooked up your hoses (fill and drains) at each bucket? Did you use bulkhead fittings, or just straight gray barbed fittings glued or siliconed in? I can't see from any pictures yet. Although it looks like the fills just go right into the...