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  1. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    Thanks so much, way more clear now about what I need to do, I will keep post, thanks again for all your Help!!
  2. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    Yeah I the meter its new and I did Calibrate I also use the liquid Yeah I have 2 meters for the water PH and they accurate one its new, to check the soil PH im using a cheap 3 way meter, here its a picture with the soil PH, thanks so much for all your help you been great!
  3. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    So I been using the PH up and Down only to control the PH before watering,I just check the PH and I notice the PH on the soil still high around 7.4 even If I been watering with 6.5 PH water, so what else can I do to Put the PH down on the soil? Im using a 5 Gall pot, thanks so much For your Help...
  4. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    So Im growing in a 5 gal pot, the lowest temp I have seen was 70 F on the tent, I hear great comment about the soil also, thanks you for your Reply!
  5. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    Thanks I will follow your advise, so its been in the soil for a while I did put some extra on top a few days ago since was a little low but not much, here its a pic of the Tiger Bloom label, thanks you again!
  6. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    Good Morning thanks for your reply, So I check the ratios on the labels and here its the info: Tiger Bloom (2-8-4) Big Bloom (0 - 0.5 - 0.7) soil (5-2-4) Thanks so much you for your help, Im new on the grow so I need a lot to learn, hopefully I can get some decent harvest.
  7. flooop

    Plz Help! yellow and purple leaves

    Hey guys please I need some help! I notice some yellow/purplish color on leaves show up on the past few days, I am first time grower Indoor on tent, not auto Jack Herer, around day 14 of flowering. I feed my plant with alternating Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and PH water, 3 times a week, soil its...
  8. flooop

    How they look? first time grower Help plz

    thanks you! I post a little more info down here
  9. flooop

    How they look? first time grower Help plz

    About 2 week of flowering, Im feeding alternating Tiger Bloom and Big bloom also ph water, I check under the canopy but doesn't look moist, thanks!
  10. flooop

    How they look? first time grower Help plz

    Hey guys just thanks everyone, im around day 14 of flowering, I do got powdery mildew a while ago before flowering, I treat it with milk solution, then cooper and greencure, I been check it and it’s the dry mildew after treat it with milk solution, never got mildew back, I do feed my plant with...
  11. flooop

    How they look? first time grower Help plz

    Hi everyone, first time grower Jack Herer not auto, how are they look? I notice some yellow leaves any advise? thanks!!
  12. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!

    Thanks everyone for the help, So here its some new pictures and I did switch to 12/12 like everyone recommend, hopefully Im leading to the right way , I will take some new pictures in a few days, thanks again!
  13. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!

    hopefully! first time grower thanks!
  14. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!

    I will do that Thanks!
  15. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!

    I will take some new picture and follow your advise guys thanks very much!
  16. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!

    yeah they are about 72 days, I got it from a dispensary with about 7 days, they told me they are autoflower.
  17. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!

    thanks very much! I will keep and eye, hopefully I'm on the right way, I will get some more clear pictures, thanks again for your reply!
  18. flooop

    Please Help with flowering!!
