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  1. Crypnotic

    Monkey's 2nd go - Nirvana's "Northern Light" - Autoflowering & Feminized - 400w HPS

    I wouldn't be too harsh on yourself, those AF were tore up from the floor up. Might not have even been your fault at all. Do yourself a favor and dont grow those Lowryders. I know you think I have an axe to grind with Nirvana, and maybe I do, but that stuff sucks. I suggest checking out...
  2. Crypnotic

    Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

    Thanks DST. Your one detailed guy lol.
  3. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Stuck in NY? I hope "stuck" isnt legaleze for "confiscated". My first oder from Sannies never showed up. I wonder if someone didn't confiscate them and just never sent me my little legal notice. Either way, a good seed company will replace them no matter what, if they dont, then screw them...
  4. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Sannie just released a new strain: Selen (Killing fields x Blue chronic ((C99xg13xblue moonshine))). Sounds good. Anyone know whats in blue moonshine?
  5. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Cool bro. Let me know if the fimmed or topped put out more weight. Those bubbas have some dense hard buds too. Those fat colas should feel like bats lol. Love it.
  6. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    I love this shit. How did you do that? Top it and cut off all the semi colas? I LOVE BIG FAT COLA plants lol. That pure grade A stuff right there, no junk food on that plant at all.
  7. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Haha, I'm somewhere in the middle: smoke, drink, weed . . . but eat healthy . . . but I too have always been a skinny ass.
  8. Crypnotic

    Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

    DST, what the New Blue Diesle Herrijuana like? I have the New Blue and I was thinking of crossing it with my extrema. How potent is it? Hows the taste? thanks bro.
  9. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    I think its stoner lazyness . . . their hungry but too stoned to get up and make shit lol.
  10. Crypnotic

    Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

    I cant get it to work here state side . . . sorry Fingers.
  11. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    I think smoking weed helps to keep stoners skinny . . . I know about the muncies but damn all the stoners I've met are fucking skinny! lol
  12. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Haha, well fair is fair, and I'm all about fairness lol . . .And your not unemployed, your and a small business owner lol. Your a real LEGAL farmer!
  13. Crypnotic

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    Wow those are nice. Thats a good find. Should be able to make some tasty crosses with that.
  14. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    Come on Howie, just eat those cookies lol. What? You still trying to look sexy for the old lady? She married you already, get high and get fat my friend lol.
  15. Crypnotic

    Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

    Looking good my friend. Sorry to see that the cloning on the branch is working too good. Hopefully the one of them will pull through for you.
  16. Crypnotic

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    I see you moved your plants in. Thats a nice setup. Now get to work and make us seeds lol. Let me know when you get those seeds, I sent them on Mon so they should be there any day now bro :eyesmoke:
  17. Crypnotic

    Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

    Whats up Fingers. Just checking in looking for some yummy pics lol. Whats ur plans for that Timewarp? That breeding material as well or just going to smoke that?
  18. Crypnotic

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    Nice Hot, your real handy with a saw bro. That redneck looks good and has fuckton of bud sights. Frosting up already too.
  19. Crypnotic

    Multi Strain MMJ Grow. Bubblelicious,DNA Kush, Purple Shana, Dinafem Roadrunner

    My power went out yesterday so I could log on lol. Then the damn sight was down most of the day (it seemed.) Whats up?
  20. Crypnotic

    Hotphyre's Perpetual Grow

    Sounds like fun. You know there is going to be some high ass people at this affair. Have fun and get some good shit bro.