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  1. JanesRain

    Why Doesn't Smoke Get Me Ripped, But Vapor does?

    it's a large dry herb vape
  2. JanesRain

    Why Doesn't Smoke Get Me Ripped, But Vapor does?

    a quarter gram of mids. Never tried oil.. and 3-4 hits later I was gone. I'm using a cheap vaporizer too, Easy vape v3 was only about 35 bucks
  3. JanesRain

    Why Doesn't Smoke Get Me Ripped, But Vapor does?

    Foreal. These early harvested autoflowers get me blown in 2-3 hits off the vape with a small amount of weed. Been high for about 4.5 hours now.
  4. JanesRain

    Why do you newbs always grow auto's?

    95% of your customers will be people who wants to buy Autos. There are very few serious growers with strict morals about how their weed is grown. Have fun going bankrupt
  5. JanesRain

    Why Doesn't Smoke Get Me Ripped, But Vapor does?

    Apparently I've wasted a ton of weed. At this rate my quarter is gona last like 8 years
  6. JanesRain

    Why Doesn't Smoke Get Me Ripped, But Vapor does?

    I have to smoke like 3 bowls to get as high as I do on 1 small hit of vape? What gives?
  7. JanesRain

    Safe To Sell Grow Equipment On Craigslist?

    oo yeh i forgot that existed. I just started cleaning out my attic so I gota get it again. Thx
  8. JanesRain

    Safe To Sell Grow Equipment On Craigslist?

    Depends on the area. I live in a rich area and never had an issue, but my buddy has come across some scumbags in his area and only meets in super public places now
  9. JanesRain

    Safe To Sell Grow Equipment On Craigslist?

    I only plan to meet someone in front of Walmart. There's like 50+ people in and out every 5 minutes. Doubt they could rob me there
  10. JanesRain

    Safe To Sell Grow Equipment On Craigslist?

    yeah. This one guy refuses to send me pics of his trade unless I give him my cell #. Says he doesn't know how to send them over email. lol Who pays 600$ for an iphone and doesn't know how to send pics? Weird
  11. JanesRain

    Safe To Sell Grow Equipment On Craigslist?

    Is it safe? Do cops prey on people who sell their used stuff on craigslist? I've gotten some shady messages from people wanting to "trade", but they won't tell me what it is they want to trade me. I assume it's drugs, which I won't do I tell em cash only or gold/silver bullion
  12. JanesRain

    fast dry methods

    take 3 grams of fresh weed and simmer it in 3 tbps of butter or oil. After an hour eat all of it. You'll be baked for a good 5 hours + if that's what u want. Minimal loss of bud and helps you get high until ur shit is dry
  13. JanesRain

    fast dry methods

    I meant for earliest sample. If somebody is really fucking impatient tho you can just chop up fresh bud and simmer it in butter for an hour. That shit will get you higher than a kite. Only need to eat maybe 1-2 TBPS depending upon amount of bud and potency
  14. JanesRain

    Should I Run A Fan Over Drying Buds?

    It's the age of instant gratification. I'm sure in the future we can dry buds in seconds and have em be as good as doing it the proper way, but til then, FUCKING WAIT/.
  15. JanesRain

    fast dry methods

    There is no quick dry method. Hang your shit up like everyone else and wait 3 weeks. 1 week to dry and 2 in jars.
  16. JanesRain

    Is this normal?

    looks fine. Leave it alone
  17. JanesRain

    Should I Run A Fan Over Drying Buds?

    After you dry you put the weed in a jar, and it "sweats", so you open the jar every few hours for the first couple days so it can let off excess moisture.
  18. JanesRain

    Should I Run A Fan Over Drying Buds?

    She's nice n wet for ya :P
  19. JanesRain

    Should I Run A Fan Over Drying Buds?

    What do you use?
  20. JanesRain

    Should I Run A Fan Over Drying Buds?

    10-14 days seems a little excessive unless u have massive buds. It's only a few small ones from an autoflower. Already trimmed too