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  1. Hkid10

    my first grow: pc case x lst x bagseed

    Alrigh cool man im excited to see what you harvest.
  2. Hkid10

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    Hours before your harvest? i bet your a happy camper.
  3. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    What is a reasonable temp btw?
  4. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Oh that's true, I might do that. But then again I need to think of a room that has no windows and no one will go into... My closet in my room is way to small for my girls. And other closet I have is huge, but has windows, but I'm thinking of just covering the windows so there will be no light.
  5. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Thanks man, but I can control the temps really cuz I don have ac, and I don't wanna hang ice bags behind my fan lol
  6. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    P.s.- m plan for this week is on Thursday, to shut my lights off and put them on the 3 day dark cycle. You guys think my girls are ready???
  7. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Yeah seriously!! And yeah I call people all the time to keep me from early harvest, but I just say "let's chill" or something and then I get really high I try and forget about it haha. Oh BTW every one, for the ones that knew I had lady bugs, well my other bug poison killed my last set, and...
  8. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Thanks for all the positive feedback ladies and germs.
  9. Hkid10

    my first grow: pc case x lst x bagseed

    thats real nice man i love how dense the buds look. does she smell nice?
  10. Hkid10

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    Damn dude. Yours look soo much bigger and better then mine!!! im invious of you!
  11. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    thanks man!! im soo fucking excited!!
  12. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    its not that big of a deal. but iwill be postin pics soon
  13. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    haha, yeah man its bad sometimes.
  14. Hkid10

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    I can't wait to see your harvested buds.
  15. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Lol nvm I remember.
  16. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Why do you have a deadline again? Jw
  17. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    Yeah, I'm going to do that. So can anyone give me a guess on wheigt?
  18. Hkid10

    Re: Bag seed grow - Flowering stage

    well the hairs are orange but the trichs arent that dark still mostly foggy and clear i think