Search results

  1. Guy2HIGH

    Plant looks unhappy, leaves curly and yellow? (pics)

    Hey man... The very bottom leaves may fall off, but the leaves look pretty good. Color will improve once the plant starts growing again. If you're not good at judging wet/dry weight, then you may want to consider getting yourself a moisture meter. It will show you the level of moisture in the...
  2. Guy2HIGH

    please help asap plants in bad shape

    You really haven't given any useful information about your set-up, this IS the information that will help others help you. What is your pH? What do the roots look like? If your pH is off, you could have multiple deficiencies. Have you ever considered that maybe you are treating the wrong...
  3. Guy2HIGH

    What do you think is wrong with this plant. Very Odd.

    If your pH is 5.0, you run the risk of having multiple deficiencies at the same time. I agree with BuCannabis... you need cal/mag plus. Cal/mag plus has macro & micro nutrients... a must for keeping deficiencies at bay. For soil the best pH to have is 6.8 because that is the best number for ALL...
  4. Guy2HIGH

    High in the desert

    Hey everyone... I'm a longtime grower, growing weed the best way I know how and am willing to help anyone with any knowledge I may have on the subject. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your community. Good luck with your present and future grows. Guy2HIGH
  5. Guy2HIGH

    can you go all they way with 2 48 in fluro

    T12 doesn't have the correct lighting spectrum for growing. T12 fixtures can only use T12 tubes. Try a T5 HO (high output)... you can effectively grow this fluoro.