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  1. Imaginathan

    End of life senescence or nutrient deficiency?

    I just didn’t see this with my first plant but that doesn’t matter, different strain and nutes. Thanks!
  2. Imaginathan

    End of life senescence or nutrient deficiency?

    Hi RIU, I am within the last two (most likely) weeks of my HSO Trainwreck grow. This is the first time I’ve cut nitrogen in the final two weeks, and only my second grow so I’m not familiar with what this process looks like. She hasn’t had nitrogen for the last two feedings but the bloom feet...
  3. Imaginathan

    Bubblegum, 1st Harvest!

    Lol, made a batch of cookies w my trim last night. Got about 100 cookies and tried a whole one. Def head buzz and delightful and I almost died, in a good way. Never tried edibles w dank!
  4. Imaginathan

    Bubblegum, 1st Harvest!

    108g dry, plus 38g of trim.
  5. Imaginathan

    Bubblegum, 1st Harvest!

    I’ve got an ounce of trim decarbed for butter tonight and two friends testing the smoke after about 10 days curing (they know it’s not done). Good to hear! How’s the buzz with yours, more head or body or both?
  6. Imaginathan

    Bubblegum, 1st Harvest!

    Thanks! I’m not really sure tbh, I bought it at a head shop in Ontario where they sold lots of brands but the single seeds they couldn’t tell me the breeder.
  7. Imaginathan

    Bubblegum, 1st Harvest!

    The day has finally come! Princess Bubblegum has given up the ghost and yielded me her glorious treats! Strain: Bubblegum, 3 month veg, F63 Medium: amended ffof soil Light: 400w hps Height: 16” Nutes: General Organics Total weight (2 colas not pictured): 472g wet Thanks for all the help guys!
  8. Imaginathan

    Water uptake lower at end of flower?

    I like that system, cooking up some super soil now for the next set!
  9. Imaginathan

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    Thanks bud! It’s so hard when to cut! Want to get this first in the bag so I can know from now on
  10. Imaginathan

    Trichomes & Harvesting

    I’m thinking 4-5 days, anyone with more experience have a suggestion?
  11. Imaginathan

    Water uptake lower at end of flower?

    Right on, I’m guessinh by next Monday she’ll be done. Did a wash tonight
  12. Imaginathan

    Water uptake lower at end of flower?

    I’ve done feed, water, feed with her and I’ve had some yellow but not a big fade or anything. She just slowed down the drinking so I haven’t had a chance to do a good couple of water only sessions
  13. Imaginathan

    Water uptake lower at end of flower?

    Right on, just haven’t had a chance to use any cleaning product and want the rest of that nitrogen used up
  14. Imaginathan

    Water uptake lower at end of flower?

    Hello! My plant is nearing harvest and I’ve noticed she’s not taking up water as quickly. I’m guessing she’s 5-6 days from being done, and I’d like to do a last rinse of the soil (not a true organic grow). Is this ok to do if she’s still in the “moist zone”? It’s been 4 days up until today...
  15. Imaginathan

    Help with trich checking

    I’m starting tonight! Guessing I’m in the final week, just waiting on the hairs to recede more first
  16. Imaginathan

    Defoliation, 1st time

    First world problems
  17. Imaginathan

    Help with trich checking

    Word! So pumped
  18. Imaginathan

    Defoliation, 1st time

    Thanks, I think it’s enough for me lol. If I had the power of the sun, I wouldn’t touch the plant to be honest
  19. Imaginathan

    Help with trich checking

    Yeh I think she’s got about a week and a half by my guess. This is last night, what do you think?
  20. Imaginathan

    Defoliation, 1st time

    Hey RIU , Testing my mystery co-op seed with defoliation (she’s been my guinea pig this grow with her sister Trainwreck). How does this look for a decent defoliation? We are in week 3F, should I do more now/later/never? Thanks for any insight!